Pokémon Rate My Team
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I consider myself to absolutely suck in the UU game. Yesterday night, I go and make a team because I wanted to use a Toxic stall Suicune set I recently made and I quickly go 6-1 with it, with the one loss happening because of burns from Flare Blitz and Scald. Since I think this'll go places, I'm posting it..

(Pictures coming in a few, don't want something funny to happen so I can loose all this.)

dathair (Suicune) @ Leftovers
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Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 4 SpA / 96 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Protect
- Toxic
- Scald
- Aqua Ring

The whole reason why I even built a UU team. Toxic stalling is one of those things I have this need for in every team and Suicune does a surprisingly good job at it with good defensive stats and typing for UU. Since people always expect a ResTalk set now, this often throws people off too.
EVs are set for a more physically defensive mindset to counter Megaggron, Megadactyl, and Darmanitan while still being able to tank special based attacks reasonably well. Toxic + Protect is the bomb. The second Leftovers heal from Aqua Ring adds up pretty quickly and makes up for the lack of Leftovers if it gets knocked off. Scald is just power.

Celery (Celebi) @ Big Root
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Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 248 HP / 224 SpD / 36 Spe
Calm Nature
- Substitute
- Leech Seed
- Heal Bell
- Giga Drain

Nice little core with the typing synergy I got with Suicune and Houndoom. Celebi acts as my specially defensive SubSeeder and Cleric for the team. This set also, puts in work.
Substitute and a Big Root Leech Seed can heal me up and stack up residual damage pretty quickly. Giga Drain is for damage and more healing. Heal Bell was used over HP Fire because Ferrothorn and Scizor is OU, and I wouldn't stay in on a Shaymin anyway.

Cerberdoge (Houndoom) @ Houndoominite
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Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Flamethrower
- Dark Pulse
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Sludge Bomb

Megadoom. My special sweeper and wallbreaker with 140 SpA. Megadoom is perfect for eating Knock Offs that Celebi and Azelf are weak to. I did notice, Dark is pretty damn powerful now, since not much can resist it, and you realize how important that Steel resistance was.
Flamethrower because I support Accuracy over Power. Dark Pulse is STAB with arguably the best offensive type. Hidden Power Grass covers Swampert and other things that resist Fire. Sludge Bomb is for Fairies, as Dark Pulse already covers most of what Shadow Ball can.

u liek? (Swampert) @ Leftovers
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Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Atk
Careful Nature
- Curse
- Waterfall
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake
I would say the true star sweeper of my team. Even though I trade off some power by going with a specially defensive set, I can easily get a couple Curses up and get into sweeping condition. If you are curious at all, I'm running this specially defensive set since I'm going to be jacking up my already usable attack and defense with Curse anyway.
Curse is the deadly setup move. Waterfall and Earthquake is a powerful pair of STAB moves and Ice Punch covers Grass and many other things.

Fleza (Azelf) @ Choice Scarf
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Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Mild Nature
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Dazzling Gleam
- U-turn

Revenge killer, Scout, and special sweeper. Azelf usually serves as the lead role by either just dealing off heavy damage to their lead or just running away with U-Turn. I also could've use this role as a defogger, but I'm not doing that just to help Houndoom.
Psyshock is STAB provided with coverage from Shadow Ball. Dazzling Gleam destroys Scrafty and Krookodile. U-Turn lets me deal damage and gain initiative.

Falcon Kick (Hitmonlee) @ Normal Gem
enter image description here
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 36 HP / 252 Atk / 220 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Earthquake

My counter to Cloyster and cleanup sweeper. Speed EVs are set up so I can just barley outspeed a Cloyster at x2 speed after the Unburden boost from using my Normal Gem with Fake Out. Do not underestimate Hitmonlee, I'm shocked it's even in RU.
Fake Out works a epic combo with Unburden and Normal Gem and sets me up for sweeping. Close Combat is STAB, Knock Off hits Slowbro and Jirachi pretty hard, and Earthquake is just a move that we all love.

  • While I do have no resistance to Fairy, there's very few if any Pokémon in UU and below that are good at utilizing STAB Fairy type moves. You could say Florges, but I can happily wall that with Celebi or just flat out set up and kill it with Swampert.
  • A lack of Dark resistances haven't been a problem for me yet, as long as I can see the threats ahead of time.
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