Power Whip / Gyro Ball > Toxic on ferrothorn.
If for some reason you get taunted, you have a back up. It also helps you beat MGyarados, who is starting to run Substitute more often, making you complete set up bait.
Life Orb > Expert Belt on Greninja. Additionally, Hydro Pump > Surf, and Extrasensory / U-turn > Grass Knot (i dont see Rotom-W or Quagsire as a problem)
LO gives you more power, which is great when coupled with something as fast as Greninja. Hydro Pump hits slightly harder, getting more kills at around 70%, where Surf would be getting kills from 60%. Also, Extrasensory lets you beat Specs Keldeo, a very difficult mon to face in OU at the moment.
Choice Scarf > Choice Band on Garchomp
This allows you to reliably check MCharizardX after it Dragon Dances one time, as it can and will sweep you.
Roost > Dragon Pulse on MCharizardY
Roost is nice, to heal up from SR damage (since you dont have a spinner/defogger)
Rock Tomb > Swords Dance on Breloom.
This allows you to hit common switch ins like Zapdos, Lati@s, and Gengar, who wall you extremely well otherwise.