Pokémon Rate My Team
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This is my first Question so if there is stuff I should do differently let me know!

Ninetales w/ Drought @ Air Balloon
Moves: Solarbeam, Fire Blast, Extrasensory, and Nasty Plot. (Can sub for Calm Mind.)
Nature: Timid. Ev's: 252 Speed and Sp. Attack and 4 HP.

Floatzel w/ Water Veil @ Choice Band
Moves: Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Ice Punch, and Baton Pass.
Nature: Jolly. Ev's: 252 Speed and Attack and 4 HP.

Beheeyem w/ Analytic @ Leftovers
Moves: Psychic, Nasty Plot, Recover, Signal Beam.
Nature: Modest. Ev's: 252 Sp. Attack and HP and 4 Sp. Defense.

Politoed w/ Drizzle @ Leftovers
Moves: Hydro Pump, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, and Metronome.
Nature: Modest. Ev's 252 Sp. Attack and HP and 4 Sp. Defense.

Tauros w/ Anger Point @ Muscle Band
Moves: Double Edge, Wild Charge, Iron Head, and Thrash
Nature: Jolly. Ev's: 252 Speed and Attack and 4 HP.

Bastiodon w/ Soundproof @ Leftovers
Moves: Iron Head, Rock Slide, Earthquake, and Iron Defense.
Nature: Adamant. Ev's: 252 Attack and HP and 4 Sp. Defense.

I am willing to change Politoed to a Grass or Dark Type. Let me know what you think I should change! Taking battle requests on Showdown. IGN: TheShinyStaraptor. See you guys later!

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metronome? thats all I'm going to say

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