Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hey, Been trying to fix up a trick room team for NU. This is what i came up with so far, but Advice and criticism would be appreciated.

My Team

Hypno - dual screener
Ability: Inner Focus
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Sassy
+252 Hp, +120 Def, +136 Sp.Def

Trick Room - for priority for a fixed time
Light Screen- increased Sp.Def for a fixed time
Reflect- Increased Def for a fixed time
Hypnosis- rarely used, helps at times when it works

Klinklang - take that, you fairies
Ability: Clear Body
Item: Focus Sash
Nature: Brave
+ 252 Atk, +252 Def, +4 Sp. Def

Trick Room - For priority for a fixed time
Gear Grind - main attack, good for getting rid of subs
Wild Charge - mostly for water types (used to be rock smash for the def drop)
Toxic - because Im hardly ever able to use substitute.

Trevenant - trick room heavy hitter
Ability: Harvest
Item: Sitrus Berry
Nature: Brave
+252 Atk, +252Hp, +4 Sp. Def

Trick Room - Priority for a fixed time
Horn Leech - STAB Hp regen
Shadow Claw - STAB chance for crit
Rock Slide - Coverage

Torkoal - spinner and hazard introducer
Ability: Shell Armor
Item: Air Balloon
Nature: Quiet
+252 Sp.Atk, +120 Sp. Def, +52 Def, +84 Hp

Rapid Spin - Hazard Removal
Stealth Rock - Hazard Insertion
Will-O-Wisp - preferably to lower threatening Poke's attack stat, or to whittle down stall
OverHeat - STAB attack

thinking of swapping will-o-wisp for earthpower

Machoke - end game sweeper
Ability: No Guard
Item: Eviolite
Nature: Brave
+252 Atk, +252 Hp, +4 Sp. Def

Dynamic Punch - Stab with confusion
Knock Off - for Ghost and Psychic types
Rock Slide - For Flying, Grass and Fire typing with possible flinch
Bullet Punch - Priority

Clawitzer - go to heavy hitter
Ability: Mega Launcher
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Quiet
+252 Sp.Atk, +252 Hp, +4 Sp. Def

Water Pulse - STAB powered by ability
Dark Pulse - Coverage powered by ability
Aura Sphere - Coverage as well, powered by ability
Ice Beam - Coverage to hit super effectively what the other moves cannot

to be honest, i feel like i get countered pretty well by poison types, as well as bulky pokes which is why i added will-o-wisp and toxic to my possible options. Always, advice and criticism is much appreciated.

Try Light Clay for Hypno, it will make screens last longer.
Try SubShift Gear Klinklang.

Klinklang @ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Shift Gear
- Gear Grind
- Wild Charge / Frustration
- Substitute

Frustration is kinda redundant but I like it better than Return for Ditto fooling (Ditto's not the most common Pokemon ever tho). You set a sub, then shift gear and start sweeping. Toxic is usable over Substitute but I like the latter better. If it's XY, then Return > Frustration if you're gonna use it. (It's hard to make a Pokemon detest you manually)

Trevenant = UU, you can't use that in NU. If it's XY, It looks neat but I'm more a fan of Bulky Trev with SubSeed.
Machoke, Torkoal and Clawitzer look neat but you got some complicated EVs, make sure they work!
Tags are there for a reason .-. @ RecreativeReshiram
@RAF: Quoted from the other: "Hey, Been trying to fix up a trick room team for NU"
Tag: suggestions-improvements-rate_my_team-xy
Is it NU or XY?? Am I supposed to be a medium and guess which one is it? :D

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