Pokémon Rate My Team
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Ability: Heatproof
Sassy Nature
252 hp/252 SpD/4 SpA
-Trick Room
-Stealth Rock
-Confuse Ray
-Flash Cannon

Ability: Sheer Force
Quiet Nature
252 SpA/252 Att/4 hp
-Fire Blast
-Earth Power
-Rock Slide

Ability: Mummy
Relaxed Nature
252 hp/252 Def/4 SpA
-Pain Split
-Shadow Ball
-Trick Room

Ability: No Guard
Brave Nature
252 hp/252 Att/4 Def
-Swords Dance
-Iron Head
-Shadow Claw
-Shadow Sneak

Ability: Levitate
Relaxed Nature
252 hp/56 Def/200 SpD
-Lunar Dance
-Trick Room

Clawitzer@Choice Specs
Ability: Mega Launcher
Quiet Nature
252 SpA/252 hp/4 SpD
-Water Pulse
-Dark Pulse
-Dragon Pulse
-Aura Sphere


I am also aware that the team is horribly weak to dark and ghost and that I only have one physical attacker. Honestly though, this team is a threat under trick room


1 Answer

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It's almost perfect has minor flaws but other than that perfect
one of the flaws is bronzong is better with levitate ability ground moves could OHKO it
another flaw is camerupt should have solor beam and sunny day some where in that moveset due to x4 water and x2 ground it'll cover it up and only take one turn and will boost fire moves and sunny day weakens water moves so thats even better so the beset moveset for camerupt would be solar beam sunny day earth power and lava plume it's the perfect sweeper especially with trick room also you might as well evolve doublade into aegislash if you're gonna make a physical sweeper give cresselia a bug move maybe u turn that way it covers up the dark type and switch into a pokemon that could sweep the pokemon. that water pulse is ruining clawitzer's moveset badly replace it with muddy water, surf, or scald. fix this and it'll be an unbeatable team.
