Pokémon Rate My Team
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After talking with a few friends, we have all decided to make same type teams to have some fun. I got the fire type, and have been really searching, looking for a decent 6 man team. This will be used for the Battle Maison as well as a type of challenge for all of our younger siblings/nephews and nieces. For the purpose of this list consider every pokemon at Lvl 100 with perfect IVs (we will be breeding for this). I have extremely open to advice and help, as I'm new to EV training and competitive pokemon in general.

Nature: Hasty
Ability: Intimidate
EV: 252 Spd/128 Atk/128 SAtk
Close Combat
Flare Blitz
Morning Sun
Extreme Speed

Charzard (Charzard Y Mega Evolution)
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Blaze
EV: 4HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
Dragon Pulse:

Nature: Modest
Ability: Drought
EV: 252 Spd/252 SAtk/4 HP
Energy Ball
Solar Beam

Nature: Hasty
Ability: Blaze
EV: 252 Spd/252 SAtk/4 HP
Hidden Power Ice

Nature: Mild
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Spd/252 SAtk/4 HP
Fire Punch
Thunder Punch
Hidden Power Ice
Mach Punch

Nature: Bold
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 SAtk / 96 SDef / 160 Spd
Bug Buzz
Quiver Dance
Fire Dance
Giga Drain

You need a spinner. The only fire type that can pull that is Torkoal.

1 Answer

0 votes

Your team looks ok so far, but there are a few minor changes you should make.

Arcanine: I would go with a Jolly nature instead of Hasty, but that's preferential. Also: why SAtk EVs? You don't have any Sp. Attacking moves, so just go all Attack instead. And Wild Charge can also be a good move, interchangeable with Extremespeed. Item: Expert Belt or Black Belt

Charizard: Looks like you have two natures. Choose Timid over Hasty, but again, that's preferential. Replace Earthquake with Air Slash, because of STAB and Earthquake on a Charizard Y? Not really useful.

Ninetales: Everything's good except replace Energy Ball with Nasty Plot. Item: Focus Sash so you can at least pull of one Nasty Plot.

Typhlosion: Solar Beam's always a good move, delete Earthquake, because again, Typhlosion is an Sp. Attacker. Keep either of the two Fire moves, only one is needed. I would run Heat Wave or Flamethrower, because both current moves are not always reliable. Also, Focus Blast can be interchanged with HP Ice.

Infernape: Here's a set a would run:
Infernape@Expert Belt
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
Ability: Iron Fist
-Fire Punch
-Thunder Punch
-Mach Punch
HP Ice is not really that helpful for infernape, because of Thunder Punch for Flying and U-turn for everything else.

Volcarona: Only thing I would change: Modest nature instead of Bold.

Overall, the only thing that you needed to change were the EVs and some moves. It's pretty well-balanced, I'd say.

Hope I helped!

edited by
> Says Fire Blast is unreliable
> Says to swap a move for Focus Miss


With that aside your Ninetails suggestion is bad. He doesn't have a status move (unless you count Flamethrower but 10%) and the fact you suggested Hex :I

Other than that not gonna complain about anything else yet.
It sure did thanks! Here's to hoping its fun.