Pokémon Rate My Team
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Lapras (M) @ Scope Lens
Ability: Shell Armor
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 176 Def / 56 SpD / 24 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Body Slam
- Ice Beam
- Waterfall

Diancie @ Diancite
Ability: Clear Body
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 128 Def / 252 SpA / 128 SpD
Quiet Nature
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind
- Iron Defense
- Psychic

Dragonite (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Multiscale
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Brave Nature
- Outrage
- Brick Break
- Hidden Power [Poison]
- Aqua Jet

Heatran (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Flash Fire
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Flame Charge
- Payback
- Stone Edge
- Iron Head

Chansey @ Lucky Punch
Ability: Serene Grace
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Drain Punch
- Fire Punch
- Ice Punch
- Headbutt

Starmie @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Analytic
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Dazzling Gleam
- Signal Beam
- Surf
- Psychic

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Great team dude I wish you best of luck in your pokemon journey :D!
You tried.
Some short tips.
- Don't use mixed attacking sets. Investing fully in either physical or special is almost always better than running mixed.
- Don't run dual defensive setup on Dianice, it will not be able to take repeated hits anyway due to its lack of recovery.
- Lapras is just generally a poor Pokemon, except in VGC there are other Pokemon that can do its job better like Rotom-W or Cloyster.
- Don't use physical Chansey. I'm not going to sugar coat it, it is poor as a special Attacker and absolutely atrocious as a physical one. Chansey is meant to be a wall or support pokemon that keeps its teammates alive. Don't use it as a attacker.
This team needs a more in depth rate than I can give here, but these are the most glaring issues with this team.
That and Physical Heatran.

2 Answers

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I'm not an absolutely top-class pokemon player, but I believe I'm qualified enough to answer this question.

Your team has some glaring issues.

Why do you want a Scope lens on a Lapras? If you want a Ice-Water type pokemon, use
Cloyster. It deals MASSIVE damage after a single Shell Smash, and with skill link as it's ability it's Icicle spear and Rock blast hits through Substitute, Focus sash, Sturdy, Multiscale and can wreck teams.

If you want more critical hits, use Kingdra with Sniper as it's ability holding a Scope lens. After using Focus energy, it has 100% chance of critical hits, and it's ability increases its power to 2.25 times rather than just 1.5 times.
Also, Ice beam is a special move. Never use special moves if you are running Adamant nature.

Don't use Iron defense and Calm mind. In most battles you can barely get 1-2 turns for setting up, and using both is impossible. By the time you've set up, you will be dead. Just use Calm mind, and drop Iron defense for Diamond Storm.

Again, drop Hidden power. Dragonite is a physical attacker, and choice band powers up physical attacks. Hidden power is special. You might want to use Superpower over brick break, as you will want to hit as hard as you can and switch out when you have a choice item on. Similarly use Extremespeed over Aqua jet.

Heatran has a higher base special attack than attack. Put a modest nature on it, and replace ALL of your attacks with special ones. Lava plume, Earth power, Hidden power ice etc are recommended.

Oh dear god, an physically offensive Chansey....

Chansey has a base attack of 5. FIVE. And you want it to be a physical attacker?
And why did you even choose Chansey over Blissey if you don't use eviolite?
Use an Eviolite, drop all the attacks, put 252 EV's into both the Defences (252 on HP barely makes a difference when it's HP is already so damn high.), and use moves like Wish, Heal bell, toxic and Seismic toss.

If you want a pokemon to use those punching moves instead, consider Machamp or Conkeldurr.

This one is good enough. Not much to say.

I hope I helped, and that you will consider some of these points.

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I need a new set not you hating me for being bad at making pokemon.
The Rate My Team is meant for us to, well, rate your team. If it means we have to suggest new Pokémon to give you a higher chance of winning, so be it. Sometimes teams need serious work done. If you don't want people to improve your team, then don't post it here.
And we're not "hating" you for using bad Pokémon, we're helping you improve. There's no reason to take it personally.
SwagMeowth, I did suggest changes, didn't I?
Nobody hated on you here. Your team is not exactly good, and what we did was suggest changes.
My personal preference for a starmie set is hydro pump/surf, thunderbolt, ice beam, psyshock. It is my go to and it is pretty good
0 votes

OK... lots to say here bear with me... Choice band increases only physical attack, so don't use hidden power anything. Also, use extreme speed ofer aqua jet, because it's actually good. Brick break is ok to hit steel types...i guess... but use earthquake because it's better.

I wouldn't reccomend using lapras, because i don't really like it, but if you have your heart set on using a DD lapras than use a physical ice attack, as ice beam does not get the DD boost so is practically useless on your set. Get some move that is better than body slam, as normal coveragge isn't good. How about rest? and than you can use lum berry instead of scope lens, which you shouldn't be running in the first place.

fix your chansey set. Honestly, I won't go into this, as everybody else has said it. But just find the standard chansey set, and use that.

Diancie.... change iron defence for hidden power fire, or you get beaten by steel types. I'd also run diamond storm over physic, but that's just me. (i get you're using calm mind, but it's att is so high man... might as well run both sides of the spectrum)

Heatran... should not be physical. Run lava plume. Run stealth rock. Run flash canon/taunt. Run toxic/roar. Run leftovers

Also, I'd look into changing your EVs. This reply was already very long, but honestly most of your EVs are really wack. If you want my opinion on what they should be, I'll give them.

I wish I could help more, but it's late and I can't think too straight. Your team has some pretty blaring flaws other than the movesets(lack of type coverage, VERY STRONG fighting weakness, fear of all physical attackers in general, etc, etc.....) amung other things. I hope this helped man, and I hope it doesn't sound demeaning. Tell me if you need me to clarify anything.
