Pokémon Rate My Team
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I'm just too lazy to make a team, find out that it doesn't work, and make a new one. Ev training takes so long. So, please rate the team before I start building the team. I bet you were going to rush to comment about the existence of Showdown but I don't like it. First, I complain about EV training taking so long and now I;m saying I don't to use showdown. Yup, I'm that kind of person, keep that in mind while rating the team! :D
Breloom (M) @ leftovers
Trait: Technician
Evs: 252 atk, 252 spe 4hp
Nature: Adamant
Role: Revenge killer fast physical sweeper
-Mach punch
-Bullet seed
-Rock tomb
I always wanted try out this cute guy's technician boosted mach punch and the infamous spore. Rock tomb was chosen over stone edge as a coverage move because it has 100 accuracy, a technician boost, and a chance to lower speed. Revenge kills with mach punch
Scizor (F) @ choice band
Trait: Technician
Evs: 252 atk 248 hp 8 spe
Nature: Adamant
Role: Revenge killer, bulky physical sweeper
-Bullet punch
-Bug bite
I don't like superpower. I'd rather have u-turn to switch from opponents like heatran and excadrill. The ones scizor has no hope against. (Oh, wait they;re most likely to outspeed scizor KO it before it uses u-turn. Never mind.) Revenge kills with mach punch.
Garchomp (F) @ focus sash
Trait: Rough skin
Evs: 252 atk 252 spe 4 hp
Nature: Jolly
Role: Fast physical sweeper
-Swords dance
-Iron head
Note: I'll never replace swords dance and outrage. They work well with focus sash. Iron head is more reliable than iron tail as a coverage move.
Cloyster (M) @ white herb
Trait: Skill link
Evs: 252 atk 128 def 128 spe
Nature: Adamant
Role: Shell smash, then wreck. Simple. Spinner. (Notice how every sentence here except for this sentence start with the letter "S")
-Icicle spear
-Razor shell
-Shell smash
-Rapid spin
Totally explained everything in the role.
Houndoom (F) @ Houndoomite (Yup, it's shiny. Traded a lv100 bold scizor for it. Came with the houndoomite.)
Trait: Flash fire--->solar power
Evs: 252 sp.atk 252 spe 4 hp
Nature: Modest
Role: Mega fast special sweeper
-Dark pulse
-Fire blast
-Nasty plot
-Destiny bond
Nothing to say here.
Gardevoir (M) @ choice scarf
Trait: Trace
Evs: 252 sp.atk 252 spe 4hp
Nature: Timid
Role: fast special sweeper
nothing to say

This is for singles. Please, please rate it!

Pretty solid team imo. Also ev training takes like 30 minutes per pokemon
how do you do it so fast? I train my pokemon in hordes.
Use super training
hordes are faster

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