Pokémon Rate My Team
1 vote

Ok, so I'm pretty concrete on the first four Pokemon (not their EV builds, necessarily). Sableye and Lopunny were just some last minute slots that fit decent type coverage for the team, so they're replaceable. If anyone has legitimate suggestions for replacements and EV build adjustments, I would really appreciate them.

Charizard@Charizardite Y (Lead)
Ability: Drought
Nature: Timid
-Heat Wave
-Solar Beam
-Focus Blast
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk/252 Spe/6HP

Heliolisk@Choice Scarf (Lead)
Ability: Solar Power
Nature: Timid
-Dark Pulse
-Dragon Pulse
-Volt Switch
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk/252 Spe/6HP

Cradily@Leftovers (Special Wall)
Ability: Storm Drain
Nature: Calm
-Stealth Rock
-Sunny Day
-Giga Drain
EVs: 252 HP/252 Sp. Def/6 Def

Blastoise@Assault Vest (Bulky Spinner)
Ability: Torrent (Neutralizes Sun effect)
Nature: Impish
-Rapid Spin
-Ice Punch
EVs: HP/Atk/Def
Keeping Charizard alive is vital for early game, so the team needs rapid spin. It's been a while since I built Blastoise so I don't remember the exact spread. Open to suggestions.

Sableye@Lum Berry (Utility)
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Impish
-Fake Out
-Foul Play
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/6 Sp. Def

Lopunny@Sitrus Berry (Physical Attacker)
Ability: Limber
Nature: Adamant
-Fire Punch (Sun bonus - 112 base damage)
-Baton Pass
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spe/6 HP

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Yeah, this looks a lot like you slapped a Singles team into VGC. There are no hazards, no need for Rapid Spin, nobody Subs but Metagross, Heatran, Salamence and Aegislash, Baton Pass is moot, only Mega Blastoise with Water Spout is used, Heliolisk is niche and Hydreigon does its job better.

I'll rate this, but be prepared for some major overhaul.
I write an answer also, but same as Astro, you need some serious changes.
I hope you don't mind but I will give you entirely different team.
What mega do you want the team based on? Mega-Charizard Y? I do have some other ideas though.
@Haunter92: Do you prefer Sun or Rain? This will determine if Blastoise stays or not.
Astro do a rain team, that will be raw
Thanks for the constructive input, guys. I guess this will be a singles team. Just FYI, I swapped Blastoise, Sableye, and Lopunny with Suicune, Landorus-T, and thinking of Metagross. I also bulked up Charizard.

@Electivire_Master, first, thanks so much for that team build. I'm seriously considering making it. Not as a replacement but I could always use another team :D
@Astronautical,  I would like to base a team of Mega Charizard Y. Don't ask but I just love the synergy with solar power Heliolisk even if people think he's  garbage. Concerning rain or sun, I enjoy playing weather based teams in general. I do have a rain team with yet another personal niche (Swift swim/aqua jet Armaldo).
I'll post specs later.

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Here is another team, a sun based one, I won't go into a ton of detail, but it is a sun team that includes Mega-Charizard Y and Heliolisk.

The Team:

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Mega Charizard Y @ Charizardite-Y
Ability: Blaze --> Drought
EV(s): 252 Spa, 252 Spe, 4 Def
Timid nature
Heat Wave
Solar Beam
Air Slash

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Heliolisk @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Solar Power
EV(s): 252 Spa, 252 Spe, 4 Def
Modest nature
Dark Pulse
Hidden Power (Ice)
Volt Switch

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Machamp @ Assault Vest
Ability: No Guard
EV(s): 252 Atk, 128 Defense, 128 HP
Brave nature
Dynamic Punch
Stone Edge
Dual Chop
Bullet Punch

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Chlorosaur (shoutout to Astronautical) @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EV(s): 252 HP / 76 Def / 60 SAtk / 52 SDef / 68 Spd
Bold nature
Giga Drain
Synthesis/ Hidden Power (Ice)/ Hidden Power (Fire)
Sludge Bomb

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Metagross @ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body--> Tough Claws
EV(s): 82 HP, 252 Attack, 176 speed
Adamant nature
Bullet Punch
Zen Headbutt

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Rotom-Wash @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
EV(s): 248 HP/ 252 Def/ 8 SpD
Bold nature
Hydro Pump

This team is a nice sun team, that balances very well, with no open weaknesses. Again I went for two Megas as it helps balances the team. I won't go into a huge explanation, but I tried to include some of the Pokemon that you liked. In my opinion, Machamp and Conkeldurr are about the same, but this time around I gave you Machamp. Personally I think the other team that I posted is slightly better, but here is your team! Haha, I hope you enjoyed both. Btw, I like your rain team :)

selected by
You've already done two answers, and me adding a third would be a tad overkill, so here are my thoughts:

1) Chlorosaur over Leafeon all day, everyday. It's not hindered by Intimidate and gets better STABs and either Sun-boosted HP Fire or Lando-checking HP Ice.

2) Heliolisk should have HP Ice over Dragon Pulse to nail Landorus, Thundurus and Salamence.

3) Conk generally runs Knock Off / Ice Punch over Payback / Rock Slide on an AV set, unless you have very specific reasoning.

4) I say replace Mega Metagross with Aegislash to offer some Wide Guard support and an answer to TR.

5) Rotom doesn't seem to fit with the team, but I don't know what to replace it with, so it can stay.

6) Leafeon, if kept over Venusaur, should be 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpD. Metagross' EV spread isn't optimal at all. Rotom is wasting EVs (248 = 244 at level 50).
@Astronautical add as many as you want. I do like your ideas of HP ice over Dragon Pulse on Heliolisk, and adding Aegislash. Do you guys think Machamp would be slightly better or worse option than Conkeldurr? I love Chlorosaur, but don't you think the team would have too many specials? HP fire would be good ^^

As I said before I bulked up Charizard, with a 252 HP/76 Sp. Atk/164 Spe/12 Sp. Def/4 Def spread.

@Electivire_Master, thanks! I really love that rain team too. It has much stomping power if my opponent is unprepared. I like your change from Focus Blast --> Air Slash on Charizard. I think Rotom-W is a decent addition too. I'll change Heliolisk to Modest as well. With Choice Scarf, he can still out-speed a lot of threats, so Timid --> Modest will be a good bonus.  I plugged this team into teammagma.net and it does have a small imbalance to fire weakness with 1 water move and no EQs.
Okay, I think Leafeon fits with the team slightly better, than Venusaur as it has more immediate power. I'll change Helioisk to HP Ice. Aegislash is not needed as a TR counter, because of Conkeldurr. Metagross has needed power on this team. Rock Slide is one of the best moves for VGC, and Payback I feel the extra power is better, due to his low speed. I do feel that Rotom could be replaced, but with who? His levitate ability is nice. I will change his EVs. Thanks for the input.
No problem! But if you do insist on using Leafeon over Chlorosaur, I would highly recommend Jolly and 252 Speed. Also, Rock Slide isn't great on slower Pokémon like Conk because you can't flinch unless under TR. And please, fix Metagross' EV spread e~e
Actaully I will switch to Chlorosaur, and your right, Ice Punch would be a better choice. I will fix Metagross' EV set
Rain Team Specs:

Adamant nature
Ability: Torrent-->Swift Swim
Ice Punch
252 Atk/100 HP/156 Speed

Politoed@Choice Scarf
Modest nature
Ability: Drizzle
Ice Beam
Rain Dance
Hydro Pump
(Can't remember build. Mainly Special Attack and speed with some HP and Def. Open to suggestions.)

Scizor@Lum Berry
Adamant nature
Ability: Technician
Bullet Punch
Knock Off
Swords Dance
252 Attack/252 Speed/4 Sp. Def

Armaldo@Life Orb
Adamant nature
Ability: Swift Swim
Aqua Jet
Rock Slide
252 Atk/252 Speed/4 HP

Goodra@Assault Vest
Modest Nature
Ability: Hydration
Focus Blast
Fire Blast
Draco Meteor
252 HP/200 Sp. Atk/56 Def

Rotom-W@Sitrus Berry
Calm nature
Ability: Levitate
Hydro Pump
Rain Dance
(Also a weird EV spread HP/Sp. Def/Sp. Atk. Replacing anyway)

So I'm looking at this and realizing how shaky it is. I definitely want to switch some things around. I don't know if I want to make it a hyper-offensive team or not, but here are some of my concerns for adjustment:

-Swampert EVs - 252 Atk/252 Speed/4 Def?
-Politoed's nature to bold/calm with bulkier EV spread. Item --> Leftovers/Damp Rock. Moves -->Scald, Ice Beam, Encore, ???
-Replace Rotom-W with Thundurus
-Scizor's EVs bulkier
-Goodra's moveset
I could do an answer, but not here in the comments ask it as a separate question. Thanks!
2 votes

Okay, so I am sorry to say that your team did not meet VGC standards very well. It is a great singles team, but will fail in doubles (VGC). Out of all your Pokemon, Mega Charizard Y is the only Pokemon that sees the light of day in VGC. So I wrote you an entirely new team, and I hope you like it. By the way, when you have EV sets its 252/252/4 instead of 252/252/6. If you do not like it, or really want a certain Pokemon in your lineup, comment which ones you want and I can edit you a new one.

The Team:

enter image description here
Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate --> Mold Breaker
EVs: 36 HP / 148 Atk / 44 Def / 84 Sp. Def / 196 Spe
Adamant Nature
Ice Fang

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Volcarona @ Charti Berry
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 HP / 36 Def / 4 SpA / 4 SpD / 212 Spe
Modest Nature
Quiver Dance
Heat Wave
Bug Buzz
Giga Drain

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Landorus-Therian @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Adamant Nature
Rock Slide

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Lucario @ Lucarionite
Ability: Inner Focus --> Adaptability
EVs: 252 Special Attack/ 252 Speed/ 4 HP
Timid Nature
Flash Cannon
Aura Sphere
Protect/ Hidden Power (Ice)
Follow Me

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Aegislash @ Life Orb
Ability: Stance Change
EVs:252 HP/ 76 Special Defense/ 180 Special Attack
IVs: 0 Speed
Quiet Nature
Flash Cannon
Shadow Ball
King's Shield
Wide Guard

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Dragonite @ Sitrus Berry/Lum Berry
Ability: Mulitiscale
EVs: 204 HP / 32 Def / 4 Atk / 16 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
Extreme speed
Dragon Claw

This team balances very nicely, when plugged into a team builder you do not have any over lying weaknesses. So lets begin. All of these Pokemon have serious power, and can all pick-up several KO's.

I opted for two megas as two megas is always useful. When you take a look at the other team and see that it is opposing to one of your Megas, you can always use the other one. Use your better knowledge about which Mega to use in certain matches! So the breakdown of this team is the 2 Intimidate users, one of which will Mega evolve sometimes, which helps keep your team safe. Pokemon like Volcarona appreciate the pseudo bulk, as they have low defense. Aegislash is your trick room counter, as the rest of your Pokemon are pretty or very fast.
Your leads can be:
Volcarona + Lucario
Mega Gyarados + Dragonite/ Landorus
Dragonite + Landorus (This one creates a nasty ice weakness, if the opponent has water or ice Pokemon, I wouldn't recommend this)

I prefer Volcarona and Lucario. Lucario uses Follow Me in order to Protect Volcarona while he sets up with one of the best boosting moves in the game, Quiver Dance. After that you can proceed to sweep. However Follow Me will not protect Volcarona from Rock Slide which is 4x effective on him, which is why the Charti Berry is used so he can survive. They all have custom EV sets in order to survive the most common hits from the most common Pokemon in VGC. I personally think all of the sets on the Pokemon are fairly standard, I did use Special Lucario, so that your team is balanced with 3 Special and 3 Physical. Furthermore, Ice Fang was used on Gyarados to deal with the common Dragon and flying Pokemon, although Crunch would be a good also as it gets STAB in his Mega form. I think this team will hold up very well in VGC. I'm sorry if I made too many changes but I hope you enjoy your new doubles team.

Also if your okay with breeding alot, shiny Gyarados, Aegislash,Lucario and Volcarona are very cool shiny haha :)

Good Luck! Hope you liked it!

                                  -The Love Child of VGC and Pokemon
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Oh, this team is murdered by Bisharp and Milotic. Three Intimidates?? And half of your team is weak to the other half's Earthquake.
Bisharp and Milotic are a problem, but the team is not weak to their moves. And with Intimidate and Earthquake fading relatively quickly, means that I can survive these hits, plus there are 2 flying types, 3 with gyadaros as a non mega, this team will work, I thought it out.
No, I mean Landorus and Gyarados nail Aegislash and Lucario super-effectively and Volcarona can't take opponent damage and friendly fire at once. It wouldn't be so bad if Lando wasn't locked into it. Have you ever used the Assault Vest set? The team is already plenty speedy.

EDIT: And I took out the part at the end where you asked – or implied – for an upvote. It's called point grubbing and is generally frowned upon.
Oh okay, I wasn't sure I saw it somewhere, my bad, and I think I'll make some changes, and you might like it.
I dropped Salamence so there are not too many Intimidate user, I used Dragonite because I like the bulk that he has with Multiscale, that is why Roost is used, so he can get back to 100% health. I also used Mega-Lucario because he works well as a secondary Mega.
@Electivire Can I ask why Lucario has 252 Atk, Jolly nature, Flash Cannon, and Aura Sphere? I know Adaptability increases STAB but then why not physical moves?
^ was wondering this myself. I suggest something like 252 Spe / 252 SpA / 4 Atk and Bullet Punch, Aura Sphere, HP Ice and Follow Me.
Oh, I forgot to change that, I had him as Physical previously, a simple mistake. I just fixed it. And astro, I personally do not prefer mixed Lucario sets but you could do that.