Pokémon Rate My Team
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I've just got onto the competitive scene, and I've been messing around with some team for the past few weeks, and I think I'm set. I just wanna see how good it REALLY is, so I'll ask the pros.

I've tried to think outside the box with most of my team so it won't be so predictable, but I've come to learn that it's not that simple, so some are completely obvious and predictable, but there's not much I can do about that.

Gallade @ Galladite
Ability: Justified

Close Combat
Zen Headbutt
Ice Punch

4 HP
252 Attack
252+ Speed
Poor sods Blades get shorter every Gen but they prove just a effective! Not used very often and I can't see why! He can take hits well and throw hits even better! Fight-/Physic- isn't a bad Typing to have either, and it gives you a wide move pool too. So many O's!

Aromatisse @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Aroma Veil

Trick Room

252 Health
220+ Defence
36- Speed

Haven't tested her much but she seems promising. I plan to have her set up everything alongside Ferrothorn at the start of each game. Starting with Trick Room and Thunderwave to get things done quickly and Moonblast and Protect just in case.

Ferrothorn @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Iron Barbs

Gyro Ball
Power Whip
Stealth Rock

228 Health
40- Speed

Like I mentioned before, Ferrothorn will be helping set up along side Aromatisse at the start of the match. Setting up Rocks and fighting the battle normally fro there on out. Power Whip for most targets, Gyro Ball for Fairy-Types

Talonflame @ Lum Berry
Ability: Gale Wings (Duh)

Brave Bird
Flare Blitz
4 Health
252+ Attack
252 Speed
As OU as she is, I don't use Talonflame that much too be honest. But in case some tough Ice-/Grass-Types ect. are on the horizon, Talon's ready for them, and being part Fire- getting rid of the Ice threat and part Flying- eliminating Ground damage (for the most part), She's a force to be reckoned with (Unless you're Tyranitar)!

Hydreigon @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate

Draco Meteor
Dark Pulse
Dragon Pulse

4 Defence
252+ Sp. Attack
252 Speed
Hydreigon is truly a force to be reckoned with on the competitive, yet nobody seems to use him. His popularity rose a bit with Ogloza winning the Nationals in 2014 but 'that's all folks!'. He's beastly though, no doubt about it. His typing is amazing and his stats are amazing all-round. He's definitely worth a spot in my (and all of your!) team(s). Pretty much, if you don't own one, go 'f***ing get one!

Lapras @ Assault Vest
Ability: Water Absorb

Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Aqua Tail

60 Health
252 Sp. Defence
196- Speed
Lapras takes the final spoton my team. She's an insane threat to any team, with her crazy Ice-/Water-Typings and a decent move pool to boot. Matched up with these EVs and Assault Vest, and you have an insane threat to any team.

So there you have it lads. Please lemme know what you think and if you have any suggestions, feel free to give me them. ^_^

Is there a specific reason to Aqua Tail on Lapras ?
She has quite the varied movepool and Aqua Tail is a bit shakey with accuracy.
Lapras gets Psychic which is nice for handling fighting-mons.  You could also try out Icy Wind for Speed Control .

As for Hydreigon, honestly Dragon Pulse and Draco Meteor is a bit of a moveslot waste imo.
Try replace one with Earth Power which gives nice coverage.
Aromatisse can't get Taunted because of her Ability.
Oh yeah lol XD

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