What format are you running this in? The snow cloak on mamoswine will keep you from using him in smogon. Also, on choiced pokemon like mamoswine and kyurem, I would keep away from non attacking moves like protect and roost, except for stuff like scarf flygon defog. Also, assault vest keeps you from using any non attacking moves, so change pain split for something like volt switch. Also, you will want some kind of entry hazards, so I would change mamoswine to a life orb set, replace protect with stealth rocks, and replace rock slide with ice shard, unless you really want rock coverage, in which case I would recommend stone edge. On cloyster, I would switch his item to a white herb or a king's rock. On ninetails, I would switch dazzling gleam out for moonblast. I would give kyurem black draco meteor in place of roost.