Pokémon Rate My Team
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Celebrating the 20th anniversary of pokemon, my brother and I are planning to get red and blue. I have a team prepared that is basically so I can destroy my bro haha though I would like to put it to use online as well. All these pokemon are op and the only one up for real debate is my slot 6 who I'm thinking alakazam is a good choice but again I'm open to suggestion. Any moveslot changes to the rest of the team are up for debate too though I'll be reluctant to change anything unless you have a good point lol that being said, here's my team.

Redbull the Tauros
-Body Slam
-Hyper Beam
-Fire Blast

Eggman the Exeggutor
-Sleep Powder
-Mega Drain

Cruz the Lapras
-Confuse Ray
-Body Slam/Surf

T-Bird the Zapdos
-Thunder Wave
-Drill Peck

Darunia the Golem
-Rock Slide
-Body Slam

2Spoonz the Alakazam
-Thunder Wave


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