Pokémon Rate My Team
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Toxtricity @ Air Balloon
Ability: Punk Rock
EVs: 236 HP / 252 SpA / 20 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Overdrive
- Sludge Bomb
- Shift Gear

Shift Gear just so Toxtricity can outspeed everything, Overdrive is a great STAB move boosted from punk rock that can hit both opponents, sludge bomb is another good STAB move and Boomburst will be explained with the next pokemon.

Zeraora @ Life Orb
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bulk Up
- Plasma Fists
- Drain Punch
- Throat Chop

The best partner for toxtricity without a doubt all thanks to Plasma fists, i gave toxtricity a specific amount of Speed EVs so that even after shift gear, zeraora would still outspeed and will be able to use plasma fists, turning all normal moves into electric moves, because toxtricity knows boomburst, an extremely powerful normal type move that also gets boosted by punk rock, if toxtricity uses boomburst, it becomes an electric move that toxtricity can get STAB from and do crazy damage, now this will hit Zeraora too... except it WONT! Since Zeraora's ability is volt absorb, it wont take any damage from boomburst while toxtricity deals MASSIVE damage to the opponents, i'm so proud of coming up with this strategy, only issue is being with ground types though but i have other pokemon to take care of that. Drain punch is for coverage and for fun healing especially with bulk up set up enough and throat chop for psychic types that could harm toxtricity.

Incineroar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Fake Out
- Body Slam
- Fire Pledge
- Knock Off
Incineroar is made to be heavily bulky, with intimidate to make it take less damage from physical moves, and assault vest for special moves, it gets the obvious fake out and knock off to annoy/hinder opposing pokemon and you may notice it has fire pledge, if i have another pokemon like inteleon to use water pledge alongside him, not only can rainbow pledge do great damage, but it makes body slam get double the chance to paralyse as if all your pokemon have the serene grace ability, paralysis chance going from 30% to 60%

Inteleon @ Focus Sash
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Timid Nature
- Scald
- Water Pledge
- Icy Wind
- Air Slash
For once im giving a starter its regular ability because sniper doesnt feel that necessary, water pledge is paired with incineroar's fire pledge to get rainbow pledge up, scald would be a really good 2nd stab move for burning which makes the chance 60% from rainbow pledge, same goes with the flinching from air slash, 60% chance to flinch and inteleon is very fast so this will work well, icy wind is simply for speed control.

Togekiss @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ancient Power
- Aura Sphere
- Air Slash
- Dazzling Gleam
The classic serene grace air slash flincher, but when the rainbow is here, it GUARANTEES flinching which is insane and could happen when inteleon manages to get icy winds up, ancient power is here too because with rainbow plus serene grace, the chance for the omni boost becomes 40% and i say thats worth it, dazzling gleam for obvious stab and aura sphere for steel coverage

Dragapult @ Focus Sash
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Darts
- Dragon Dance
- Phantom Force
- Psychic Fangs

Dragapult is incredibly fast and my favourite psuedo legendary, made even master with dragon dance and it's guaranteed to get it up thanks to the focus sash, Dragon darts is an excellent STAB move that can break sash/sturdy since it's a multi hit move, phantom force is another good STAB move which could be fun to use in doubles because your opponent wont know who you're targeting and can be doing some fun mind shuffles. Psychic fangs is just there for coverage.

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