Pokémon Rate My Team
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Delphox @ Choice Specs
Modest Nature
Ability: Blaze
252 Sp. A, 252 Speed, 4 Sp. D
Fire Blast
Grass Knot
Dazzling Gleam

Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Timid Nature
Ability; Own Tempo
252 Speed, 252 HP, 252 Def
Sacred Fire
Baton Pass
Tail Glow

Tyrantrum @ Life Orb
Adamant Nature
Ability: Rock Head
252 Attack, 244 Def, 8 Speed
Head Smash
Dragon Dance

Aggron @ Rocky Helmet
Adamant Nature
Ability: Heavy Metal
252 Def, 252 Attack, 4 HP
Heavy Slam
Stealth Rock

Alomomola @ Leftovers
Bold Nature
Ability: Regenerater
252 HP, 252 Def, 2 Sp. A, 2 Sp. D
Calm Mind

Banette @ Banettite
Adamant Nature
Ability: Prankster
252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Sp. D
Shadow Claw
Destiny Bond
Gunk Shot
Knock Off

Why do you have sacred fire on Smeargle and gunk shot on Banette?
I have Sacred Fire on Smeargle to make sure I don't get Taunted out into Struggle and Gunk Shot on Banette to deal with Faries.
Please press the thing next to "answer" which says comment P:
Boomburst is better because it does more damage. Why is Banette even threatened by fairies?

1 Answer

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-Banette isn't an attacker despite having an attack stat higher than Mega Tyranitar's. Its Physical Movepool is too shallow, making it as predictable as an average Mega Banette set. I'd just stick with the defensive set or use a different Physical mon, as both are better for the job. I'd suggest maybe a Flying-type because half of your team is weak to Ground, so maybe a Bulk Up Braviary would work.
-Your Smeargle's EVs are illegal. The maximum EV total is 508.
-Speaking of Smeargle, you shouldn't run Sacred Fire on it.
-I'd suggest you remove Aggron, Alomomola, or Smeargle and replace it with an attacker, preferrably a Special Attacker. This is to make use of the Tail Glows without relying on Specs.
-If you aren't getting another Special Attacker, replace the Choice Specs on Delphox with a Life Orb or Expert Belt.
