Pokémon Rate My Team
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So I am a new competitive player and I want to get into it. I did not want to start in OU or Users so I made a team for RU and I want to know how a competitive player would review it. Thank you to everyone who answered.

Leafeon: @ focus sash
Role: baton passer
Ability: leaf guard
Evs: 252 spe/120 hp/132 sp.def/4 atk
Nature: jolly (+spe,-sp.atk)

-Swords dance
-Baton pass
-Leaf blade

This thing is new and I tried to use other baton passers but this guy worked best for the team. So I ended up using him. His movement is just like other baton passers and I doubt other moves would be better for him but I am still ready to change it. he baton passes to :

Ambipom @ Life Orb
Role: physical sweeper
Ability: technician
Evs: 252 spe/252 atk/4 Def
Nature :adamant (+atk,-sp.atk)

-fake out
-Knock off
-Power-up punch

Technician boosts fake out and Power-up punch. Knock is for ghost types and for getting rid of items. I also use it when I predict a ghost type coming in and taking fake out. Return is just a good move for him. With a +2 atk or more this thing can be a monster but it should not take a hit cos it's frail.

Typhlosion @ choice scarf
Role: revenge killer
Ability: flash fire
Evs: 252 spe/252 sp.atk/4 sp.def
Nature: timid (+spe,-atk)

-Fire blast
-focus blast
-Hidden Power grass

He is a pretty good revenge killer. Almost everything dies with Eruption when it's neutral and definitely everything when it's super effective. Fire blast is just an alternative when your health is low and focus blast is just a coverage and hidden Power grass covers all its weaknesses. Its flash fire is also good for this guy :

Escavelier @choice band
Role: physical band
Ability: overcoat
Evs: 252 atk/252 hp/4 sp.def
Nature: adamant (+atk,-sp.atk)

-Iron head
-Giga impact

Iron head and Megahorn are powerful stabs. Pursuit is for psychic types who switch out on Escavelier. Giga impact is just a last resort. If I predict a fire type move, I switch into Typhlosion and fire of a powerful move.

Cofagrigus @ custap berry
Role: special tank
Ability: overcoat
Evs: 252 spe.def/248 hp/8 sp.atk
Nature: calm (+spe.def,-atk)

-Energy ball
-Destiny bond

Wil-o-wisp is to criple physical attackers and to power up hex. Energy ball for coverage. So I use this is like this, first I will-o-wisp and then spam hex or energy ball and when you are low on health custap berry activates and lets you move first and you use Destiny bond and take them with you. Usually Cofagrigus will kill 1 pokemon and sometimes 2 but almost everytime he kills 1 pokemon.

For my last pokemon I am not sure. I tried different things I am still not sure what to do. So please suggest some good mon that can use. Again thank you

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