Pokémon Rate My Team
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Mega Beedrill @ Beedrillite (Buttersect)

Ability: Swarm (Mega evolved: Adaptability)
EVS: 4HP / 252ATK / 252 SPD
Adamant Nature

- Protect
- U-Turn
- Posion Jab
- Drill Run

I know why would I have Mega Beedrill in an OU but i think its doing quite well for me it has the potential to sweep a few pokemon after mega evolving and with that extra STAB and Adaptability Poison Jab and U-Turn it definitely gonna hurt alot.

Ferrothorn @ Red Card/Rocky Helmet (Durian)

Ability: Iron Barbs
EVS: 4 ATK / 252 DEF / 252 SPDEF
Relaxed Nature

- Stealth Rock
- Power Whip
- Gyro Ball
- Toxic

Mainly used for Stealth rock, but if it somehow manages to survive, i would pull off a Gyro Ball or a Power Whip or maybe even toxic to put in some damage.

Rotom Wash @ Leftovers (LG)

Ability: Levitate
EVS: 4 SPATK / 252 SPDEF / 252 DEF
Calm Nature

- Will-O-Wisp
- Volt Switch(Planning to change to Confuse Ray as i find myself rarely using it)
- Thunderbolt
- Hydro Pump

Mostly used to kind of tank attacks and crippling Physical attackers with Will-o-Wisp, sometimes can sweep.

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb (Diarrhea)

Ability: Poison Heal
EVS: 4 ATK / 252 DEF / 252 SPD
Jolly Nature

- Knock Off
- Protect
- Earthquake
- Facade

Poison healer, Physical Attacker, Facade from the toxic orb

Gardevoir @ Choice Specs

Ability: Trace
EVS: 4 SPD / 252 SPATK / 252 SPDEF
Modest Nature

- Moonblast
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast (Maybe i should change to Energy ball...?)

Planned to use for a SPATK sweeper, with maxed out SPATK in addition to Choice specs.

Dragonite @ Lum Berry (Win liao lor)

Ability: Multiscale
EVS: 4HP / 252 ATK / 252 SPD
Adamant Nature

- Dragon dance
- Earthquake
- Extreme Speed
- Outrage

With multiscale ability, it allows me to setup with ease, i usually will only make my first move after i do not have full health but if i have full health or my opponent does not have ice type moves, i would go greedy for a serveral dragon dances until they are able to inflict damage on me. Physical sweeper.

I plan to replace a Sp. Atk Slowbro/Slowking tank, but I do not know which to replace or should I even replace in the first place, maybe Mega Slowbro replace Mega Beedrill? I do need some tips on this too :D

Thanks again for your time reading this

edited by
You need defog or rapid spin for supporting mega beedril or it will get worn down by stealth rock or spikes very easily since it is supposed to u turn most of the time. And you seem to use ferrothorn as a suicide lead, so maybe using mamoswine or sash Landorus-T would be a better choice since they would be able to deal more damage.

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