Pokémon Rate My Team
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Lanturn (Impish or Bold) 252HP/125Def and SpD 4Spe
Volt Absorb / Holding Leftovers or Big root
Moveset: Charge Beam, Aqua ring, Stockpile, Ice beam

Starmie (Timid/Modest) 252 SpA 252 SPe 4HP
Natural Cure / Holding Life Orb
Moveset: Psychic, Recover, Rapid Spin, Scald

Mega Gyarados (Jolly) 252 Atk 252 speed 4Def
Moxie /Holding Mega Stone
Moveset: Dragon Dance, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Waterfall

Cloyster (Adamant) 252 Atk 125 SpD and Def 4SPe
Skill Link / White Herb
Moveset: Shell Smash, Rock Blast, Icicle Spear, Explosion

Azumarill (Adamant) 252 Atk 252HP 4SPe ř
Huge Power / Sitrus berry
Moveset: Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, play rough

Sharpedo (Jolly) 252Atk 252SPEED 4HP
Speed boost / Focus Sash
Moveset: Destiny Bond, Earthquake, Ice Fang, Waterfall

Start with Lanturn, Set up an aqua ring then stockpile three times. Sit there and use charge beam until either they switch, the Pokémon faints or you max your special out then Ice Beam everything

Starmie is my Spinner, send her out when they cant touch her, recover is a viable longevity move, scald and Psychic are both STAB

Mega Gyarados. Similar to Starmie send him out when they cant touch him easily. Dragon Dance twice if possible and on the second turn Kill for the further moxie boost before mega. Earthquake covers its weaknesses, not many things can take a +3 stone edge or a +3 STAB waterfall

Azumarill is a slow potential sweeper compared to Gyarados and runs as a quick revenge killer if needed. The real plan though is to belly drum and Aqua jet everything as per expected.

Cloyster is a standard "I'm gonna shell smash and get my stats back to normal"** With base speed of 80 allows it to out speed ALOT of threats after the smash and with skill link & Rock blast, Icicle spear etc. it can sweep in its own right.
Explosion fills the final spot if there's nothing more he can do as he can take out most Pokémon with a suicide attempt.

Sharpedo is also a potential suicide Pokémon. If you cant take the Pokémon 1 on 1 and none of your team can handle it. Focus sash allows you to tank a potential OHKO and then destiny bond unless they have priority
If it doesn't get KO'd though, the set covers itself:
Ice Fang for grass and steel, Earthquake for electric, rock and steel etc. STAB waterfall too. I can't really complain about this as I don't expect to be healthy for long

Note: I don't like the water typing much but if you wanna be a master of pokemon you gotta learn what's good and what's bad.

I can't really explain any more why I'm running these Pokémon, a few have held their ground against me and I've grown to respect them. I just want both criticism and positive thinking to see what could be better.

edited by
You need to include information on EVs. Also, why not rain?
Ahh Thanks, edited that...In my opinion I find rain team rather out dated atm, especially in the meta game now. After all, get rid of your set up pokemon and it basically becomes a game of 'what can you kill before you lose

Last night I was trying this team out in OU on showdown. It works well If I pay attention but it does succumb to common toxic users. Any Advice on a water type cleric? I was thinking maybe vaporeon but preferably something that can status remove off the fly
I suggest mega Swampert with rain dance because he has the ability swift swim
Its a good idea, but I don't really want to remove Gyarados from my team as he's a better sweeper than swampert and as I said in the title, I don't particularly want to make a rain team. If I was to simply put rain dance on swampert then it would be a wasted moveslot
You should keep in mind that Pokemon always rounds down, so 125 EVs is the same as 124 EVs.
Gyarados: If you replace stone edge with crunch, you get an attack that almost always hits and gets STAB. You don't lose very much coverage.
Cloyster: Replace explosion with razor shell. It's super effective against more Pokemon and doesn't force Cloyster to faint.
Instead of starmie what about quagmire for coverage
Quagsire doesn't get rapid spin.
Gyarados already has waterfall on the set sumwun :3
I was playing about with this team and found rather than white herb shell smash, focus sash shell smash works better with Cloyster.
Scald on Lanturn and not ice beam and rather than a big root/leftovers, an air balloon.

Starmie however is still a problem as she's so frail its hard to get her out in front of something without a potential KO
Sorry, I meant crunch.

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