Foul play on malamar is a horrible idea. Learn how the move works and you'll understand why I say that. Run knock off instead. 4 attacks malamar is "technically" not bad, it's much worse than the rest+talk set. So I reccommend you run max hp, max spdef, knock off, superpower, rest, sleep talk.
You also have to figure out what you want from your team. This smeargle seems very off. Your team isn't offensive enough to appreciate a suicide lead with sticky webs, not to mention you aren't running speed on many of your mons to capitilise on sticky web. Also, run magic coat over spikes to bounce back taunt.
All your items items and sets strike me ass subpar and they synergy in your team is lacking. Without actual proper descriptions on your pokemon and a introduction paragraph to the team I can't fix this without knowing your thought process in making the team. If you just want a pure "rating" and no feedback, I'd rate it not a very good team. If you want more detail about stuff I can but I'm not sure what you want to change, what you want to keep, what the focus/playstyle of the team is... etc.