After alot of planning, I have put together this team for live competitions.
Gardevoir (Mega)
Nature - Modest
EV's - 4 Sp. Def 252 Sp.Att 252 Speed
Ability - Trace -- Pixilate
Item - Gardeviorite
Moveset - Hyper voice - Psyshock
Focus Blast - Thunderbolt/Shadow Ball
Nature - Adamant
EV's - 252 Attack 252 Speed 4 Def
Ability - Intimidate
Item - Assault Vest
Moveset - Flare Blitz - Iron Head
Extreme Speed - Wild Charge
Nature - Modest
EV's - 252 Speed 252 Sp.Att 4 Hp
Ability - Protean
Item - Life Orb
Moveset - Scald - Dark Pulse
Icy Wind - Grass Knot
Nature - Modest
EV's - 252 HP 4 Sp.Defense 252 Sp.Att
Ability - Gooey
Item - Wise Glasses
Moveset - Focus Blast/Sludge Bomb
Ice Beam - Thunderbolt - Flamethrower
Nature - Carefull
EV's - 252 Def 252 Sp.Def 4 Attack
Ability - Prankster
Item - Bright Powder
Moveset - Play Rough - Spikes
Crafty Shield - Thunder Wave
Nature - Calm
EV's - 252 HP 180 Sp Def 76 Def
Ability - Magic Bounce
Item - Sitrus berry
Moveset - Calm Mind - Substitute
Baton Pass - Psychic
I do not want to replace Gardevior, Arcanine, Greninja, or Goodra, as they have already been trained and have proven themselves in competeitions.
However I am open to and wanting suggestions for everything.