Pokémon Rate My Team
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So i made a team for doubles, and it looks like this:
Talonflame @ Sharp Beak
Trait: Gale Wings (duh)
Adamant nature
Evs: max attack, max speed, 4 defense
Brave Bird
Flare Blitz

So Talonflame is one of the physical attackers.
Brave Bird gets priority and STAB and sharp beak boost.
Flare Blitz is the secondary attack move, in case BB won't do enough damage.
Priority Roost is for healing recoil damage.
And if Talonflame ever gets the chance, he can set up Tailwind.

Conkeldurr @ Flame Orb
Trait: Guts
Naughty nature ( I know that adamant is better, but this works just fine)
Evs: max attack, 126 defense, 126 HP
Bulk Up
Mach Punch
Drain Punch
Stone Edge

If Conkeldurr gets the chance, he can boost his attack and defense and get a burn, ready to dish out some good damage with Bulk Up.
Mach Punch is a must have on Conkeldurr, a good finisher and definetly good for damaging Dark and Rock types before they can damage Conkeldurr.
Drain Punch is a very solid recovery and damage dealing move, 'nuff said.
Stone Edge means goodbye flying types! (Or anything that resists fighting moves)

Mega Gardevoir
Trait: Pixilate
Modest nature
Evs: max sp. attack, max speed
Hyper Voice
Shadow Ball

A very strong special attacker.
There were some moments where all it needed was Hyper Voice to finish off entire teams.
But in return to that, it has some hard counters.
Steel and Poison in specific.
To deal with any fast poison type (Crobat) it has Psychic, wich is a OHKO most of the time.
Steel is just too strong for Gardevoir, but Shadow Ball deals with ghost types.
Thunderbolt is a very good move against Water, since i don't have any electric types on this team.

Porygon-Z @ Choice Specs
Trait: Adaptability
Modest nature
Evs: max sp. attack, max speed
Tri Attack
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse

Another really decent special attacker.
Tri Attack gets a huge boost from STAB and choice specs and adaptability.
Psychic has high base power.
Dark Pulse and Ice beam are coverage, since no one else on my team are any of these types.

Azumarill @ Sitrus Berry
Trait: Huge Power
Adamant nature
Evs: max HP, max attack
Belly Drum
Aqua Jet
Knock Off
Play Rough

So Azumarill really requires to peform a Belly Drum to get that ridiculous damage off, but when it's paired with Gardevoir, it succeeds in doing so most of the time.
After that it's just spamming Aqua Jet, occasionally a Play Rough to kill Dragons, Dark and Fighting Pokes, and Knock Off to hit anything that resists Water or Fairy.

And then last, but certainly not least...
Aegislash @ Leftovers
Trait: Stance Change
Gentle nature ( I know that this can be better, but it works pretty well actually)
Evs: max sp. defense, max defense (since the ability switches base defenses with base attack and special attack, i thought it was best to train him in this becuase then both defense and offense will be really good)
King's Shield (duh)
Swords Dance
Iron Head
Sacred Sword

It's really simple.
King's Shield, then Swords Dance into one of it's attacks.

So, what do you guys think of this?
Is it a good team or does it need any improvement?


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