Pokémon Rate My Team
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So i want to use this team for online battles (kind of competetive i guess).

Lucario @ Lucarionite
Trait: Steadfast
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat
-Extreme Speed
-Iron Tail

Salamence @ Salamencite
Trait: Intimidate ( Moxie is better, but i'm not going to give up a lvl 100 salamence for that)
-Draco meteor
-Dragon Claw
-Double Edge
-Fire Blast

Dusclops @ Eviolite
Trait: Pressure
-Pain Split

Starmie@ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
-Ice Beam
He kinda looks like a special attacker right now.
Is that fine or would another moveset be better?

Electrivire @ Life Orb
Trait: Motor Drive
-Brick Break
-Thunder Punch
-Ice Punch

I'm not sure about the sixth slot.
What would fit in here?

Singles or doubles?
Both, sumwun
Falc you need EVs and Natures for us to properly critique the team :)
We suggest very different things for singles and doubles. If you want both, you should ask two separate questions.
What are the natures? Also run Iron Head instead of Iron Tail.
Lucario does not learn iron head.

1 Answer

0 votes

I've heard that mega Lucario was banned in wifi battles. I recommend a macho brace for the Salamence because you already got Lucario but its moveset is also good. Moving on. the eviolite Dusclops is good, but I recommend Future Sight over Hex. Also don't forget that burns cut attack and makes the target lose hp. Moving on. Starmie is close to perfect but its moveset is a little bad (scald is good keep it) and Electrivire is also good but you need more hp so that it can resist the life orb because it's lowest stat is hp. Anyways I recommend Ramparados for the last slot with either life orb or focus sash because it has really low defence and sp def.

Hope I helped :D

edited by
Mega Lucario is not banned in wifi, it is banned from Smogon OU. Based on the formatting of the post and the information provided, it would seem that this team is intended for use on WIFI and not Showdown, so Mega Lucario's ban in OU does not affect this team.

I want to give some advice on some of your suggestions. While removing the Salamence's (or Lucario's) Mega Stone is a good idea, Macho Brace is absolutely not the item to replace it with; in a competitive battle where EV growth is unaffected, all it will do is lower speed and become a liability.

I feel your suggestions lose much of their meaning when you fail to explain why they would be effective. You answer didn't explain why Future Sight would be a better option, and the suggestion as a whole seems ignorant of the strategy the asker appear to be going for, which is to burn the opponent then follow up with Hex for double damage. Future Sight, while having higher base power, gives the opponent plenty of time to predict and react and leaves Dusclops without a means of direct damage and without a STAB attack. I may have been able to see some benefit in your suggestion had you explained your reasoning behind it, but as it stands, it doesn't make a lot of sense.
Your suggestion for Electivire is fair, though be mindful that the purpose of offensive Pokemon is not to be able to tank hits but instead move hard and fast, so adding HP comes at the cost of Electivire's efficiency as an offensive Pokemon. Your final suggestion of Rampardos is lacking for the same reason as some of your others; you never touched upon why Rampardos is the best option for the team. I won't knock it until you explain it, but at present, the suggestion does not seem informed nor particularly credible.

I am sorry if this came across as rude to you, but I wanted to give some constructive criticism of your suggestions as they would be substantially more helpful if you explained them and detailed why they'd be most effective. I hope the feedback is helpful to you in some way.
Your answer was kind of helpful, but i don't get why i should add rampardos.
ok first,  i know about the EV unaffected thing

second, future sight has a extremely high base power.

third,  ramparados is really good.

P.S sorry i commented late. i worry more about meta and pokebase more than battle subway.