Pokémon Rate My Team
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I'm making this team for use on wifi double battles against other trainers. I'm open to any suggestions whatsoever and would appreciate any information that you think might help :)

here's my team:

Skarmory @ leftovers
252 HP / 129 SpD / 129 Def
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Careful (+SpD -SpA)
Stealth Rock
Brave Bird

Skarmory will set everything up and make sure incoming Pokemon already have a large dent in their health. Brave Bird will be used once Spikes and Stealth Rock have been set up. Tailwind will be used if the opposing team has extremely fast Pokemon and I need the extra boost

Breloom @ choice scarf
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 6 SpD
Ability: Technician
Nature: Jolly (+Spe -SpA)
Mach Punch
Power-Up Punch
Bullet Seed
Rock Slide

Breloom will act as a powerful physical sweeper. Bullet Seed allows for STAB and takes advantage of Technician, Mach Punch is good priority with STAB and technician advantage, Power-Up Punch will be used for any team with slower Pokemon that allow me to use this move instead. Rock Slide will attack both opponents and cover any weaknesses

Mega Blastoise @ blastoisinite
252 HP / 252 SpA / 6 Def
Ability: Torrent ---> Mega Launcher
Nature: Calm (+SpD -Atk)
Water Pulse
Aura Sphere
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse

Blastoise is a nice powerful tank that will all around take out physical walls that try to block Breloom. Water Pulse is powerful STAB, and along with Aura Sphere and Dark Pulse takes advantage of it's ability. Ice Beam covers grass types and takes out dragons like Garchomp and Dragonite

Dragonite @ weakness policy
252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Spe
Ability: Multiscale
Nature: Impish
Dragon Claw
Fire Punch
Extreme Speed

Dragonite acts as another pseudo tank with Impish nature to help its weaker defensive stat. Dragon Claw is reliable STAB, Fire Punch covers ice types, and Extreme Speed is great for taking out Pokemon with little HP left. Superpower is great for taking out Fairies and weakness policy negates the attack stat drop

Jolteon @ life orb
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 6 HP
Ability: Volt Absorb
Nature: Timid
Hidden Power (Ice/Water?)
Signal Beam
Shadow Ball

Jolteon is my powerful special sweeper and will be useful to switch in when an electric Pokemon is facing Blastoise as its ability will shield the move. Discharge acts as reliable STAB attacking both opponents, Hidden Power allows for ground types to be covered (need help picking which type of hidden power), and Signal Beam and Shadow Ball allow for extra coverage

Volcarona @ assault vest
252 HP / 252 SpA / 6 Spe
Ability: Flame Body
Nature: Bold (+Def -Atk)
Fiery Dance
But Buzz
Giga Drain

Volcarona with Assault Vest acts as a Special tank and Bold nature allows it to have a decent physical defense. Flame Body as its ability will punish any physical attacker trying to take advantage of its lower defensive stat. Bug Buzz and Fiery Dance act as reliable stab (as well as Fiery Dance powering up Volcarona with a 50/50 chance) and Giga Drain covers it's two major weaknesses. Psychic covers my teams lack of a psychic type and covers any other Pokemon

That's my team! Please give any suggestions no matter how small! My biggest issue is who to pair Skarmory with to start so any ideas on that would be extremely helpful!

Expert belt-->chooce scarf on brelloom

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