Pokémon Rate My Team
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I've played Pokemon in the past but I've only recently decided to be serious about my competitive team building thing. What do you think? (Keep in mind that this team is for Wifi double battles):

Garchomp w/ Garchompite
Ability: Sand Veil
Evs: MAX Atk/ MAX Spd/ Rest goes to Def
Naughty Nature
-Poison Jab (To deal with Grass and Fairy Types)
-Dragon Claw

Gardevoir w/Twisted Spoon (I have no Idea what Item they should use)
Ability: Telepathy (Anticipates an ally's attack and dodges it)
Evs: MAX Sp.Atk/ Max Spd/ Rest goes to
Modest Nature
-Thunder Bolt
-Shadow Ball
(Note: Gardevoir and Garchomp are the ones who enter battle first together)

Bisharp w/ Dread plate
Ability: Defiant
Evs: Have yet to EV train him
Serious Nature
-Assurance (Thinking bout switching for Knock Off)
-Iron Defence
-Night Slash
-Iron Head
And now, here's the part I'm most confused at; Should I bring

Talonflame w/ Sharp Beak
Ability: Flame Body
Evs: Have yet to EV train her
Bashful Nature
-Brave Bird
-Flare Blitz

Ronflex (French Snorlax) w/ Lum Berry
Ability: Thick Fat
Evs: Haven't EV train him yet
Quirky Nature
-Body Slam
-Chip Away

Empoleon w/ nothing (don't know what to put)
Ability: Torrent
Evs: Haven't EV trained him yet
Sassy Nature
-Water Pulse
-Ice Beam
-Steel wing
Or should I use another Pokemon? What do you think?

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What format? Also, if you haven't EV trained a particular Pokemon, tell us which EVs you plan on giving it.
Like said on the top of the question, this is for double battles. About the Evs,
Talonflame's evs will be focused on atk and speed (Max Atk/MaxSpeed/Rest goes to def)
Bisharp's evs will be focused on atk and def (Atk/Def/Speed (First to last in priority))
Ronflex's evs are going to be focused on Def, Sp.Def, and Health. (Def/Sp.Def/ Health)
And Empoleon's evs may be focused on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def, speed not included to do it having low speed (Max Sp. Atk/ Max. Sp. Def/ Rest goes to Def)
I see a lot of flaws for a Doubles team. In Doubles, Protect is not the uni-dimensional move you know; far more than that, it allows you to play mindgames and use Dicharge, Surf, Earthquake and more freely. Protect is almost a must on most Pokémon in Doubles.
What kind of doubles? Wifi? VGC? OU? UU? Uber?
This team is for Wifi double battles.
cool team you should get a altaria

2 Answers

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Best answer

Give it a life orb instead of a mega stone, for 2 reasons.
1. Mega Gardevoir is better, and can also be more useful in double battles.
2. Mega Garchomp has Sand Force, but since no one in your team can summon a sandstorm, you aren't making use of this ability.
I suggest to go with rough skin.
Give Garchomp earthquake if you aren't going with mega Gardevoir, since she has Telepathy.
Looks good, but if you want to use mega gardevoir, replace Moonblast with Hyper Voice.
Also, give her the life orb if you still want to use mega Garchomp.
Go with knock off, replace the dread plate with focus sash, replace iron defense with swords dance, EV train him so that he gets MAX speed and attack, and you should be good.
Gale Wings is way better than flame body.
If you give it Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, roost and Tailwind, you get priority setup, heal, and attack.
The best EV training is MAX speed and attack.
I think it's best to EV train him at HP/def/sp. def, then replace snore with power up punch so that you can raise attack, since you already have a lum berry to cure the sleep (Chesto berry is probably better, since you can get paralyzed/burned/poisoned/frozen and it will cure, wich will ruin your strategy).
You could also give him leftovers to heal every turn.
Give him leftovers, and replace water pulse with scald.
I think it's better to replace surf with something else, but i can't think of anything that would fit within this set.

Hope i helped!
Just ask me anything about the changes if you don't understand 'em.

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Dread Plate is decent on Bisharp.
I got a question about the mega stone choice: Why Mega Gardevior? Mega Garchomp's stats (when mega evolve) are so high (with the exception of Sp.Def and Speed. Those two are about 5 points away from 100), especially it's Attack stat. How can Mega Gardevior do the job better? Also, thanks for the suggestion Falc
Because of Mega Gardevoir's ability: Pixilate.
This turns normal moves into  fairy type moves.
Hyper Voice is a normal type move that hits all opponents on the battlefield.
And as you know, Dragon, Fighting and Dark pokemons are pretty common.
Because Gardevoir is a fairy type, this will also get STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus).
This means that if you combo this with Talonflame's Tailwind, you can take half of his team down in the first turn!
I just don't see what Mega Garchomp could do.
He can change Surf with Waterfall
0 votes

I like what facl 01 sead but I would change the snorlax to a hitmontop

Ability: intimidat
Evs:Max Def Max Hp and 4 in spd
