Pokémon Rate My Team
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Pheromosa@Choice Scarf
Beast Boost
216 Atk/252 Spe/40 SpA
Adamant Nature
-High Jump Kick
-Poison Jab
-Ice Beam

The most lethal Ultra Beast. With a Choice Scarf, it outspeeds literally everything and even the Common Scarfed Pokemon like Garchomp and Landorus. The EVs are modified such, so that it gets Beast Boost on Atk.

Tapu Lele@Choice Scarf
Psychic Surge
252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
Timid Nature
-Focus Blast
-HP Fire

Best Revenge Killer in the game. Psychic terrain is a big support to Pheromosa and shields it from Prakster and Priority moves. Takes on Toxapex for Pheromosa.

Bisharp@Black Glasses
252 HP/252 Atk/4SpD
Adamant Nature
-Knock Off
-Sucker Punch
-Iron Head

The Defog abuser in my team because of Defiant. It takes on Ghost-types for Pheromosa.

Toxapex@Black Sludge
252 HP/252 SpD/4 Def
Calm Nature

Can switch in on many Pokemon of the tier. It is my Special Wall.

Ferrothorn@Rocky Helmet
Iron Barbs
252 HP/252 Def/4 Atk
Impish Nature
-Leech Seed
-Gyro Ball
-Stealth Rock

Hazard setter and my Physical Wall.

Marowak-Alola@Thick Club
Rock Head
252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def
Adamant Nature
-Flare Blitz
-Shadow Bone

I didn't know what could be my last Pokemon. I chose Marowak just to compete with other Pheromosa.


1 Answer

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I understand some psychotic people give Choice Scarf to random Mons but I will still keep give Pheromosa a Life Orb because Stealth Rock is spammed so Focus Sash is always ruined (even if not Rocky Helmet users generally take U-turn) and you can generally tell if Mons like Garchomp is scarfed or not:
Say if you KO someone with Pheromosa. Then if they send someone who will potentially lose to Pheromosa (such as how scarfed Garchomp / Landorus - T will be assassinated with Ice Beam), they are blatantly obviously scarfing. If you see them in lead, just send their checks / counters - the longevity of your Pheromosa is very crucial for your team.
Also I know Speed - Beast Boost is kinda useless but I would still fully invest in Speed and give Hasty / Naive to outspeed Scarf Users around speed of 90.

Tapu Lele:
Looks okay. I know, this nuke is Tapu KJU.

Honestly I loved to use this guy and had it in all my teams UNTIL Sucker Punch was nerfed. Unless you are expert in mind game, I would not suggest you using this guy. Even if you believe in your chances, I would suggest using Swords Dance although Pursuit - Trapping is very useful.

Toxapex / Ferrothorn
The two greatest walls in my personal opinion in this metagame. But I think you need only one of them. Ferrothorn pairs fairly well with Tapu Fini, and Toxapex pairs well with other Defensive walls that are not weak against Ground types. Using both is still fine, just watch out for predictions.

Marowka - Alola:
This kid forces tons of switches so get Knock Off instead if you don't struggle too much against physical attackers.

edited by
Bisharp is still useful for it's unique resists and coverage, and Defiant is a great anti web and defog deterrent.
I know, just saying more counters exist in the tier now - Pheromosa (not if Swords Dance were boosted) / Tapu Lele / Buzzwole / etc.