Pokémon Rate My Team
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I' having a lot of trouble finding a third member for my battle tree team. Any recommendations?
My team:

Salamence (sweeper)
Item: Salamenceite
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Atk 252 Spd 6 Def
Double Edge
Dragon Dance

Alakazam (revenge killer)
Item: Focus Sash
Nature: Timid
Evs: 252 Sp Atk 252 Spd 6 Sp Def
Focus Blast
Shadow Ball
Dazzling Gleam

I was thinking about Rotom Wash because he is an electric type which covers water (which I have no other coverage moves for) and resists ice which Salamence obviouslt has a huge weakness to, but I feel like thats not the best option. If you can find a good one, please let me know and thanks!

maybe u should try a kangaskhan or a blaziken or something.......
newsflash!!! alolan ninetales could cover up salamence extremely well in weakness
and u should give your alakazam mirror coat if u can
I would suggest Aegislash because it resists all of Salamence's weaknesses and is pretty good on its own. By the way, why do you have both double-edge and facade on Salamence? I'll tell you right now that you're more likely to find a Pokemon that resists flying than a Pokemon that will paralyze or poison you.
aegislash is a good choice but maybe u should try a pokemon like camerupt
Kangaskhan is only good with a mega, and his team already has a mega. Alolan Ninetales and Salamence are both weak to rock.
Maybe you should explain why you think a particular Pokemon is good when you suggest that Pokemon. Why should he/she use Camerupt and mirror coat?
mirror coat would be good for the alakazam because like he said it was meant for revenge and camerupt because it has very good resistance and super effectiveness against pokemon that are realy good against his salamence:)
by the way i only started pokemon database a couple days ago but i know a lot about pokemon:)
Camerupt only resists one of Salamence's weaknesses.
Mirror coat depends on losing a lot of HP in one hit. Alakazam doesn't have a lot of HP, so it can't deal a lot of damage with mirror coat.
Thanks for the tips guys
and by the way"sumwun"camerupt is good against ice and electric
Alright, What should I replace Facade with?
scizor, teach it dragon claw for STAB and a little bit of coverage.
greninja, Salamence isn't weak to electric because it's dragon type. Camerupt doesn't resist ice because it's ground type.
Oh yea sumwun forgot about that lol thanks I'll try it.
00000000000000000hhhhhhhhhhh yeah i forgot sorry
The type chart is the first thing you have to know before you can say you know about Pokemon.
ok good to know
Alakazam doesn't get Mirror Coat. Try using Alolan Muk has it learns Knock Off by level up, has the very useful Poison Touch ability and only has one weakness.

1 Answer

1 vote

A good third member for your team would be have to be Machamp. This is the moveset I would recommend for your team coverage.

Machamp @ Assault Vest
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 Atk 126 SpD 126 Def 4 HP
-Fire Punch
-Thunder Punch
-Cross Chop
-Poison Jab
Machamp is going to be a bulky attacker. It has great attack and decent defenses to allow it to be a tank. Its wide movepool allows it to cover your weaknesses as need be. Fire Punch is to cover your big weakness to Ice types. It can be bred on Machamp as an egg move. Thunder Punch is to cover the water types that you were worried about. Cross Chop is a powerful fighting move and gets STAB. It also can be used to KO Ice types. Poison Jab is for coverage since Salamence and Machamp are both weak to Fairies. The Assault Vest boosts its defenses even more since it doesn't have any status moves.
Hope I helped :)

This team's owner is most likely no longer using this site. Please don't respond to old RMT threads.
its okay. You're allowed to post on old posts. This guy is just being an officer jerk about it.
I am being a jerk, but the team's owner isn't going to read this no matter how much of a jerk I am. Why would you post team rates if the team's owner never reads it?