Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hello well Im back to Monotype Pokemon battling and this time I will be using Fire Pokemon.

Fire types are very offensive and generally not recommanded defensively but I have tried to use my best knowledge and creation to built a Monofire team. The mega evolution will be Mega-Charizard X and this team was built with the intention of checking Fire's biggest enemy Nihilego and Terrakion.

Charizard-Mega-X @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Dragon Claw
- Roost
- Dragon Dance

Charizard X is the star of Monotype Fire. With its Fire/Dragon typing its neutral to Water type attacks and can check many Dragon types and Water types such as Mantine, Garchomp, Salamence, Empoleon, and Dragonite. Flare Blitz is STAB fire and Dragon Claw is STAB and both boosted by Tough Claws. Dragon Dance is to setup on Pokemon that can't threaten Charizard X and roost is to keep up the longetivity in the case of stealth rock damage and recoil.

Infernape @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Inferape is another great Fire type member thanks to its excellent Base 108 speed and decent attack stats as its the perfect Fire Pokemon to check the Common rock types that threat Fire teams such as Tyranitar, Cradily, Terrakion, and ESPECIALLY Nililego with Choice Scarf. Close Combat is STAB with it being its strongest attack. Earthquake is especially for Nililego which Guranteeds the KO and hits other pokemon such at Heatran, Magnezone, A-Muk, Toxapex, and opposing Inferape. Stone Edge is for the pesky Mega Aerodactyl, and other Flying Types such as Mantine, Mega Charizard Y and Dragonite. Hidden Power Ice is used to hit Gliscor, Landorus , and Choice Scarf Garchomp. Choice Scarf item is used to ensure Inferape outspeeds Nihilego, Mega Aerodactyl and 1+ Dragon Dance Tyranitar and it out speeds as much as possible possibly typing with Terrakion

Heatran @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Taunt

Heatran is the second best check to Nihilego and its Fire/Steel typing means it has lots of resistances and take Neutral damage from Stealth Rock , Power Gem, and Stone Edge. Magma Storm is for trapping althou I might think of switching for Fire Blast or Lava Plume but heatran wants a lot of power. Earth power is for Fire, Electric, Poison, and Rock type and Opposing heatran. Most notable one is Nihilego, Lanturn, Toxapex, Rhypherior etc. Hidden Power ice is to smack Garchomp, Landorus, and Salamence for great damage. Taunt is to stop Chansey, Porygon 2 and Cradily preventing them from healing up while trapping with Magma Storm. Air Balloon is used to ensure Heatran is immune to Ground moves for one turn and can easily switch in on a Choice Scarf Excadrill.

Torkoal @ Leftovers
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Lava Plume
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic

Torkoal is the team's best support fire pokemon. With its great bulk and ability in Drought. Torkoal supports the Mono fire team with Drought Sun. Lava Plume while weak without investment is STAB and has a chance to burn the opponent. Stealth Rock is hazard setup as Torkoal is a great user of stealth rock thanks to its great bulk. Rapid spin is to clear away hazards especially Stealth rocks. Toxic is to put a timer on very bulky pokemon like Porygon2 Mantine Cradily , Chansey etc.

Volcanion @ Assault Vest
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Steam Eruption
- Sludge Wave
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Earth Power

Volcanion is the only Fire Type immune to Water attacks making it a great choice as it can check Tapu Fini and Azumarill two big threats to Fire Types. Steam Eruption is STAB to hit all the Fire, Rock, and Ground types that threaten Fire types. Sludge Wave is to hit Azumarill really hard and other Fairy and Grass types like Tapu Bulu and Ludicolo. HP Grass is to threaten Gastrodon and Semistoad who would other wise wall Volcanion. Earth power is great coverage once again for Electric Rock and steel types like Nihilego, Lanturn, Empoleon etc. Assault vest is used so it can sponge as many special atfacks as it can and play the role of a Special bulky attacker.

Moltres @ Grassium Z
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Fire Blast
- Solarbeam
- Hidden Power [Electric]
- Air Slash

Moltres is immune to Ground Type Attacks and has solid stats. Its outclassed heavily by Mega Charizard Y but has the well rounded stats to make it a good consideration since I am using Mega Charizard X as the Mega Evolution. Fire Blast is STAB and Solarbeam is used in the sun to do decent damage to water , Ground, and Rock types mostly Gastrodon and Semistoad. if the sun is not up Moltres has a one time chance to use Grassium Z . Hidden power electric is for Mantine , Gyarados, and Pelipper who would otherwise give Moltres trouble. Air Slash is used for STAB to hit Mega Venusaur, Fire and Dragon and Fire Types for decent damage with a chance of Flinching. Hurricane is not used since it has low accuracy and doesn't work well in the sun.

Other options considered

Adding Solarbeam to some of my pokemon it can definately be useful on some water matchups but drought is unrealiable at times and solarbeam sometimes can be a wasteful moveslot if sun is not up. so moltres will be the only one to learn it.

Infernape and Volcanion don't have any fire move since most of the team already has enough fire moves

Yawn on Torkoal was an option

Running Burn Up on Moltres with a Firium Z was an option as well as a choice specs set or even hurricane with Flyium Z

HP electric was an option i was considering running on Volcanion instead of Grass to still check water types while instead hitting Mantine and Gyarados.
I still think Gastrodon and Semistoad will possess a big threat still

Checks and counters to this team

Rock Types

Nihilego with Choice Scarf is perphaps the biggest threat to this team. With excellent special attack power in combine with Beast Boost. It can tear apart this Fire Mono team. Terrakion is the 2nd biggest threat Thanks to its great speed and power it can crush most of this team and its at risk speed tying with infernape if its choice scarf Other rock types including Tyranitar, and Omastar with shell smash

Swift Swim Team **

Pretty much anything with Drizzle and a team full of Swift Swimmers are Dangerous. Pepliperr , Mega Swampert, Mantine, Kingdra are all dangerous foes in rain that can instantly wash my fire team out. While Mega Charizard X and Volcanion can threaten They still possess a threat

Choice Scarf Exadrill and Landorus *

Exadrill gets a special mention as with a choice scarf can outspeed most of my team and click either Earthquake or Rock slide and start putting out the fires on my team. Landorus too with its life orb set it can earth power and rock slide most of my pokemon thanks to its great speed and power

Any advice with regards to movepools evs or anything else is appreciated . Thanks.

Replace Torkoal's toxic with yawn and give it a heat rock. Your Pokemon should be offensive enough to defeat walls without using toxic. I also don't think you need a ground resist, seeing how Moltres probably takes more damage from stealth rock than something like Victini would take by switching into an attack. I think Victini would be the best replacement, but you can also use Volcarona if you really don't want the ground weakness.
Switch Toxic to Yawn for Torkoal thanks :)
Volcarona and Moltres actually both take lots of damage from Stealth Rocks lol

That said I only was thinking that a Ground-Immunity fire Type was better only because Some Strong Earthquake user like Exadrill or Diggersby with Choice Scarf quickly can decimate the team.

Volcarona sounds good althou I could imagine even with a Ground Neutrality Volcarona probably still doesn't like eating Earthquakes nor Earth Power from Garchomp and Landorus

I haven't run calcs yet.

If you think I should still switch it thou let me know

It was between
Or Volcarona
In that case, you should probably use heat Rotom. Since it's vulnerable to mold breaker earthquake, you should keep your Charizard as flying type until all opposing Excadrill that might have mold breaker are defeated.

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