Pokémon Rate My Team
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Of course in WiFi battles in Sun / Moon. Here is my team:

-Smeargle @ Focus Sash
252 EV's HP / Speed
Jolly nature
Ability: Own Tempo

•Stealth Rock
•Sticky Web
•Toxic Spikes

-Torterra @ Leftovers
252 EV's Defense / SpDefense
Careful nature
Ability: Shell Armor

•Leech Seed

-Magnezone @ Air Balloon
252 EV's HP / SpAttack
Bashful nature
Ability: Magnet Pull

•Flash Cannon
•Tri Attack
•Metal Sound

Crobat @ Flyinium Z
252 EV's Attack / Speed
Jolly nature
Ability: Inner Focus

•Brave Bird
•Cross Poison

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
252 EV's HP / SpDefense
Bold Nature
Ability: Trace

•Ice Beam

Absol @ Absolite
252 EV's Attack + Speed
Jolly Nature
Ability: Magic Bounce (when Mega evolved)

•Night Slash
•Iron Tail
•Psycho Cut
•Swords Dance

This is what they are supposed to do:
Set up some Stealth Rocks and Sticky Web. if possible he puts the oppontent to sleep with Spore and sets up Toxic Spikes if there are no grounded Poison types (left). He will be sacrifised early on in the game

This is my mixed tank of the team. If I want to check an oppontents moves (not knowing if it is physical or special) I swap in Torterra to see what it's gonna use. It can stall out oppontents with the Toxic and Leech Seed combo, get a little HP back with Leech Seed, Leftovers, Protect combo and heal big wounds with Synthesis if needed. He will not be sacrifised until the first part of the battle is over.

This is a special attacker, not too special in this team. With the Air Balloon and Magnezone's natural bulk makes it difficult to OHKO. It is used to weaken oppontents it does naturally well against and make sweepers ready to revenge kill if needed. Metal Sound is used to hit harder. He is sent out in the battle pretty early, he can be sacrifised at any point of the game.

This is my Z-move user, with Supersonic Skystrike coming off Brave Bird. This is a physical sweeper and is used to hit really hard and finish off weakened oppontents. He does great against enemies Magnezone was just not able to finish. He can hit hard with STAB Brave Bird and Cross Poison, and uses U-turn to retreat and cover it's Psychic weakness. He will not be sacrifised until the oppontent has at least lost 1 Pokémon.

He is nothing special either. He is a mainly Special Defensive wall that can also support the team with Ice Beam, and can strike hard-hitting Physical users with Foul Play. Toxic and Recover are for stalling. He can be sacrifised at any point of the game. And finally...

This is a Mega Absol as you saw earlier. It is used to be a fast physical sweeper, same as Crobat. His mega evolution gives him a little extra power and speed. His Magic Bounce ability is very useful to prevent him from getting paralyzed or burned, wich will both be very annoying. He is a very useful Pokémon on this team and will Always be send in late in the game. I also wanted to use him because I didn't had much on my team that could hit Ghost and Psychic types. Iron Tail and Psycho Cut are for coverage against Fighting and Fairt types.

Thanks for your feedback! :D

I really do not see a good reason to use Crobat in this team or Torterra at all.
As you can see Torterra is my favorite Pokémon so ye sorry I wanna use him. ;P
In that case, you should not be playing OU. As far as I know, the only format where Torterra is remotely viable is Generation 7 PU. It's playable only on Showdown!.
Wait is this wifi or OU? You put both in the question.

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