Pokémon Rate My Team
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... otherwise, thank you for any suggestions and ideas.

Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Light Metal
EVs: 248 HP / 64 Atk / 120 Def / 16 SpD / 60 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Knock Off
- Roost
Quick Summary:
I chose Scizor as my sweeper. It is a really good attacker with a 150 base attack. It can easily swords dance to +2 and sweep with bullet punch or knock off.

Heatran @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Heat Wave
- Earth Power
- Flash Cannon
- Will-O-Wisp
Quick Summary:
Heatran is to cover Scizor and check its threats. It can easily stop physical sweepers with burn and can sweep Scizor's threats to allow Scizor to sweep.

Toxapex @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic
- Recover
- Scald
- Venoshock
Quick Summary:
Toxapex is a great mixed tank. It can get toxic on the opponent's mons and stall them with recover and toxic. Toxapex with regenerator is also too overpowered because it can easily switch out and recover.

Zapdos @ Electrium Z
Ability: Static
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Roost
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Thunderbolt
Quick Summary:
Zapdos is used to cover Toxapex and Keldeo getting burns with scald. Zapdos is easily a good electric type with Electric/Flying type and 125 Sp. Atk.

Garchomp @ Dragonium Z
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Swords Dance
- Rock Slide
Quick Summary:
Garchomp is used to destroy the fire and dragon types threatening Scizor such as both Mega Charizards, Volcarona, Tapu Koko (very common), and both Thundurus formes.

Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Taunt
- Dark Pulse
Quick Summary:
Greninja is support for coverage. I needed a fast hard hitting pokemon, and I settled on Greninja.
Thank you!

edited by
Give Scizor 252 HP/252 Atk/4 SpD for more power. Replace its knock off with u-turn so you can switch without having the teammate take a hit. Give Heatran leftovers for more healing and 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe timid to outspeed Tapu Bulu, Heracross, and Magearna. Replace its heat wave, flash cannon, and will-o-wisp with magma storm to trap stuff, toxic to take down defensive Pokemon, and stealth rock to lay hazards. Replace Toxapex's toxic and venoshock with toxic spikes to poison more opponents and haze to reset stats. Give Zapdos pressure to more quickly PP stall defensive Pokemon and leftovers for more healing. Replace its thunderbolt and volt switch with discharge to more likely paralyze stuff and heat wave to cover grass and steel better. Replace Garchomp's rock slide with stealth rock to lay hazards. Replace Greninja's scald and dark pulse with spikes to be immune to electric and toxic spikes to resist grass, bug, fighting, and fairy.

1 Answer

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Your team seems to be a bit too weak to ground. Your flying type Pokemon can get knocked out by various common Pokemon and common attackers (I'd say they're very vulnerable to mixed sweepers), and then you might have a hard time against common ground types in OU such as Zygarde and Garchomp (even though you have one of them, you're still vulnerable because dragon beats dragon). You might want to replace the Toxapex for a Pokemon like Araquanid, since it doesn't have a ground weakness, can do its job properly too, has its weaknesses covered or at least resisted by other Pokemon and a better ability.
Here's a few recommended moves for Araquanid:
Lunge, Liquidation, Leech Life, Toxic, Spider Web, X-Scissor, Poison Jab, Mirror Coat, Reflect, Infestation
I'd recommend Leftovers for it.

How is Araquanid better than Toxapex when it has 60 less physical defense and no access to regenerator, recover, or haze?
what about scarf garrchomp?
Scarf Garchomp is usually better than Garchomp with dragonium Z, so use it if you think it fits.