Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

So this is my first ever tier team so dont downvote because its not to good.
I made the team in about 10mins to have a quik battle with pb and infact my first battle on po since i got it again.
The first match went great i won with 4 pokemon left i toxic stalled with umbreon.
The second where he wanted a rematch was him winning with 4 left after his crobats taunt screwed my deoxys over. gg BTW.
i have had one other battle with this team and i won with 5 pokemon left but i havent battled since as the smogon server hasnt popped up for some reason.
PB said this was a good team and he really liked it but it was put together in 10 mins as i said so a lot of the movests are not to good though i have fixed a few and replaced xatu for arcanine.


252hp 120def 136spdef
Toxic . Seisemic toss . Stealth Rock . Recover
So deoxys is usually my lead and makes a good wall and can stall many pokemon to death along with Umbreon.
It can now avoid taunt as well.


4hp 252spatk 252speed
Natural Cure
Tailwind . Earth Power . Seed Flare . Hidden Power Ice
Shaymin is in for 3 main reasons
1.i like shaymin
2.to out speed and ko blastoise with rapid spin
3.to support the team with tailwind plus it covers 24/49 pokemon in UU
Tailwind is there mainly to support Machamp and lets me secure good speed.

Arcanine The replacement

4hp 252atk 252speed
@choice band
Flare Blitz . Wild Charge . Close Combat . Extreme Speed
I didnt like Xatu and its terrible stats there are not many spikers in UU and it wasnt even my lead so i replaced for a sweeper.
I noticed i had 2 pokemon weak to ice and machamp isnt the quikest so i used arcanine.
This guy hopefully will deal damage seen as i havent tested it but in theory with its move spread i am hoping to cover most of UU.


252hp 4atk 252def
Protect . Sucker Punch . Confuse Ray . Toxic
Not many people use confuse ray but IMO they should this is why my umbreon stall so well.
Protect confusion and poisened = pain
Ive made an intresting descision with sucker punch, i could use payback but there are some very slow pokemon in UU plus i want to be able to go first if im about to faint so a 2+ priority move with 120 base power when you include stab isnt to bad.
Ive put no evs into spdef seen as the main special moves in uu come from few pokemon and my only two special threats i would consider would be (considering its got 296spdef)
scarfed or specs chandeleure and aura sphere Togekiss which my team both easyly counters.


4hp 252spatk 252speed
Scense Grace
@life orb
Psyshock . Aura Sphere . Air Slash . Ominous Wind
Ominous wind may seem a bit odd but covers pokemon such as chandelure as well as having a boost from sense grace making the boost more likely to happen.
I was thinking of replacing air slash for nasty plot seeing as it covers very little (considering its super effective) and only gets stab what it does cover so does psyshock.

Finally Machamp

252atk 4def 252speed
No Guard
@life orb
Bullet Punch . Dynamic Punch . Ice Punch . Stone edge
This is my favorite machamp set and it works wonders for me in wifi and on po.
I put 252speed evs rather than in def to outspeed more slower Pokemon.
I love using machamp because you can predict easyly what to do if there week to your fighting move use ice punch or stone edge seen as they will be switching in to a flying or chandeleure.
There are not many pokemon in UU that get stab super effective moves on him so he can take a few hits as well as hit hard.

So this as i said before is my first tier team so the layout and ideas probably suck but the team is good according to pb so if you do answer thanks :)

It was 5-0 not 4-0 on the second Battle, but I gave my vote as promised.
thanks :) at least i can get round taunt now and my bad :P

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