Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

First off, as a side note, I will be playing with friends, so there won't be any Donks, Haymakers, or any other Archetype decks, so don't consider them.

Current Deck Revision (2nd)

Card List

Pokemon (19)

2 Minccino 2 Legendary Treasures 104/113
2 Cinccino (1 Black White 89/114, 1 Legendary Treasures RC 19/25)
2 Ralts (1 Platinum 89/127, 1 Ancient Origins 52/98)
2 Kirlia ( 1 Legendary Treasures 60/113, 1 Next Destinies 56/99)
1 Gallade Plasma Storm 61/135
1 Gardevoir Legendary Treasures RC 10/25
1 Rhyhorn XY 60/146
1 Rhydon Ancient Origins 75/160
1 Rhyperior Ancient Origins 76/160
1 Mewtwo EX Legendary Treasures 54/113
1 M Mewtwo EX BREAKThrough 63/162
1 Trubbish Guardians Rising 50/145
1 Garbodor Guardians Rising 51/145
1 Hawlucha Steam Siege 97/114
1 Kangaskhan Plasma Blast 71/101

Trainer (21)

  • Stadium

1 Dimension Valley Phantom Forces 93/119

  • Supporter

2 Ninja Boy Steam Siege 103/113
1 Cedric Juniper Legendary Treasures 110/113
4 Tierno BREAKPiont 112/122

  • Item

2 Superior Energy Retrieval Plasma Freeze 103/116
2 Roller Skates XY 125/146
2 Pokemon Communication Black White 99/114
2 Evosoda XY 116/146
2 Poke Ball Sun Moon 125/149
2 Professor's Letter XY 123/146
1 Scramble Switch Plasma Storm 129/135

Energies (20)
10 Fighting Energy
10 Psychic Energy

Edit: I got new cards (as I said I would). Only got 1 Ultra Star card(Cyrus). Got Drapion, though. Should I replace Trubbish & Garbodor for Skorupi & Drapion (Ultra Prism), or another card?

Edit I removed the original deck to avoid any possible confusion.


edited by
I haven't played TCG in a while, but I'll give it a shot. My first thoughts are improving your Energy-Items-Pokemon ratio, which is typically 1:2:1. A lot of your Item cards should be focused on draw power, like Tiernos or something of that sort. I'm not sure about some of these evolutionary lines too. I think you should probably have more Machamps in your deck (at least 3) and try to make the evolutionary lines a 1-1-1 ratio, like having 2 Mincinno - 2 Cincinno because 1 of thoese Mincinnos would probably get wasted. I'm also unsure if having Nidoking will fit in your deck. It doesn't seem to serve a purpose.

Anyways that's my thoughts on it. Hope it helps.
Yeah, I wasn't sure either. I was thinking of putting more items in, but the way I built it was way too reluctant. I aprieciate that and will change accordingly. also, i don't have a seccomd machamp, nevertheless a third one. maybe I'll switch it with one i have more of.
as for nidoking, i will get a replacement easily.
Great question Answer on the way
I thought you said RMT was dead?

1 Answer

0 votes

I'm going to be completely honest here, that deck just isn't very good. As rude as this may sound, you're probably better off scrapping this deck and making a new one. I would start by looking through as many cards as you possibly can until you find one that seems like it could be the center of a strategy. Once you find that card, look for cards that would pair well with it. That really is the best part of unlimited, the sheer number of strategies that are out there just waiting to be discovered. Perhaps you find the Caracosta from Noble Victories interesting because his ability makes him take less damage! Then, while looking for something to pair him with, you stumble across Archie's Ace in the Hole, a card that could get Caracosta out in play very quickly! Instead of throwing cards into your deck that seem like they could fit, you should find a core strategy and all of the cards in your deck should only serve the purpose of getting your strategy up and running as quickly as possible.

If you and your friends have agreed to not use donk or lock decks, I think that you could have a lot of fun and I commend you for making a deck and putting out there for review.

Great, however, I don't posses any of the cards you mentioned. also, mind explaining what isn't good/needs work? I know it is lacking certain cards could use a bit more basic (and lose a bit of energy if possible), but I'm unsure what to put in. My deck Revolves around Mega Mewtwo EX (I don't have a spirit link for it, so I'll have to deal with that), what should I do to bolster this card, do you suggest? Also, keep in mind I am a poorer person and only get cards 2 times a year (generally from booster packs) and only get better cards through trading. Also, one of my Ralts is Fairy type because I didn't have enough Psychic ones. Also, are you going off the original deck or the current deck revision (which is right under the top one)?

I also give you props for being the first person to answer a TCG question in like a year. :P