Pokémon Rate My Team
1 vote

Only cards from EX Hidden Legends, EX FireRed and LeafGreen, EX Team Rocket Returns, and EX Deoxys are allowed. However, Energy from previous sets and Basic Fossil Cards are allowed (such as Mysterious Fossil and Root Fossil).

Pokemon: 20

x3 Natu (Deoxys)-Mirror Coat can make people less willing to Burn or Poison me. Natu can also do 20 damage for one energy. Needed for evolution.
x2 Xatu (Deoxys)-Mirror Coat can make people less willing to Burn or Poison. Psyloop can quickly end up doing a lot of damage. With Fighting resistance and no retreat cost, Xatu is a solid Pokemon.
x3 Spoink (Deoxys)-Needed for evolution.
x2 Grumpig (Deoxys)-Not being able to be confused is nice. Hypnoblast is a solid two for 20 that puts the foe to sleep while Extra Ball does 80 damage for three energy against ex cards, weakening or taking them down.
x3 Exeggcute (FR&LG)-Psybeam is a decent one for ten that has a chance to confuse and Double Spin can do 40 damage for two energy. Needed for evolution.
x2 Exeggutor (FR&LG)-Psychic Exchange is really nice. Let's me get 8 new cards into my hand. Big Eggsplosion is also good, flipping a coin for each energy attached and doing 40 damage for each heads.
x3 Deoxys (Barrier Attack) (Deoxys)-A 70 HP basic that does 20 damage for two energy and prevents 30 damage to Deoxys my opponent's next turn.
x1 Mr. Mime ex (Magic Odds) (FR&LG)-Odd numbered damage does not do anything to Mr. Mime. Breakdown also does good damage if my opponent has a good number of cards in their hand.
x1 Mr. Mime ex (Magic Evens) (FR&LG)-Even numbered damage does not do anything to Mr. Mime. Breakdown also does good damage if my opponent has a good number of cards in their hand.

Trainers: 17

x4 Steven's Advice (HL)-Drawing. Useful after Rocket's Admin, seeing as I will have less than seven cards in my hand after I use it. Hopefully I draw it after using it.
x4 Great Ball (FR&LG)-Get me my basics.
x4 Potion (FR&LG)-Healing.
x4 Rocket's Admin. (TRR)-Can get more cards in my hand and for Mr Mime to do more damage can get more cards in my opponent's hand. After Mr. Mime are taken down, they'll draw less from this card because they just got two prizes from an ex.
x1 Magnetic Storm (HL)-Makes it so my attacks aren't resisted and gets rid of stadiums my oppponent has in play.

Energy: 23

x23 Psychic Energy-Needed.

Stage 1 Pokemon provide power. The basics are almost impossible to take down. Mr. Mime can just switch back and forth depending on which attacks the opponent has. Deoxys does not take damage. Solid basics supported by solid Stage 1s makes this deck hard to beat.

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