Pokémon Rate My Team
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Only cards from EX Hidden Legends, EX FireRed and LeafGreen, EX Team Rocket Returns, and EX Deoxys are allowed. However, Energy from previous sets and Basic Fossil Cards are allowed (such as Mysterious Fossil and Root Fossil).

Pokemon: 21

x3 Pidgey (FR&LG)-Resistant to Fighting. Needed for evolution.
x2 Pidgeotto (FR&LG)-No retreat cost and resistant to Fighting. Needed for evolution.
x1 Pidgeot (FR&LG)-No retreat cost and resistant to Fighting. Clutch is a solid two for 40 that prevents the opponent from retreating. While I wait for a FIghting type to come out, Pidgeto will just sit on the bench using Quick Search to get me any card I need every turn, which is an incredible Pokemon Power.
x4 Pikachu (FR&LG)-Plasma is a decent one for 10 that can get me an energy back from my discard pile to be passed by Raichu. Needed for evolution.
x3 Raichu (FR&LG)-Recharge is great, getting me two energies. This allows me to pass a lot of Electric Energy when Raichu is about to go down. I use Thunder Reflection to do 50 damage and then put all my energy onto Raikou, making it incredibly powerful. With three Raichu, that is a lot of Energy on Raikou and a lot of damage.
x2 Voltorb (FR&LG)-No retreat cost when an energy is attached and Thundershock is a decent two for 20 with a chance to paralyze. Needed for evolution.
x1 Electrode (HL)-Swift is very nice, a one for 30 that ignores resistance, Poke-Bodies, Pokemon Powers, that sort of stuff. Mass Destruction is the main point of Electrode however. It is used to take down a very powerful Pokemon that foe has, ideally an ex. If it is an ex I get two prizes while the opponent only gets one.
x3 Minun (Deoxys)-Gets me cards back from the discard pile, such as Energy lost by Electrode being KOd or an Energy Removal attack and also gets me back Electrode if my foe has another ex card. A one for 20 against every one of my foe's Pokemon with Poke-Bodies is nice, as is 60 HP. A solid basic.
x1 Rocket's Raikou ex (Deoxys)-The big hitter, a 100 HP basic. Lightning Burst can be decent, sometimes acting as a Gust of Wind. When it will act as a Switch for my opponent, I don't hjave to activate it which is cool. Thunderous Blow is the main point of this card. I use Raichu to get a lot of Energy onto Raikou and then do 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each energy attached. This can soon do a huge amount of damage.
x1 Zapdos ex (FR&LG)-It isn't weak to Fighting and it is a 110 HP basic. The point of Zapdos is to play it when Raikou is about to be KOd. Legendary Ascent causes Zapdos to become the Active Pokemon and it gets all of Raikou's energies while also protecting Raikou from being taken down. The huge number of energy I get allow me to use Electron Crush as a three for 70 attack every turn instead of a three for 50.

Trainers: 14

x4 Steven's Advice (HL)-Drawing.
x4 Great Ball (FR&LG)-Gets me my basics.
x4 Professor Cozmo's Discovery (Deoxys)-Drawing.
x2 Potion (FR&LG)-Healing. Mainly to heal Raikou after Zapdos switched it out so it won't get KOd by bench damaging attacks.

Energy: 25

x21 Electric Energy-Needed.
x4 Darkness Energy (Genesis)-Makes my Pokemon more powerful, especially Raikou.

This deck hits incredibly hard. Raichu powers up Raikou, who hits hard until weak and then has Zapdos hit hard. Pidgeot protects from Fighting types, Electrode takes down ex cards, and Minun gets me back cards I need. A very powerful deck.

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