Pokémon Rate My Team
1 vote

For starters, this team is built for a 3v3 format to give it an extra edge and supportt and gives the availability of all 6 Pokemon. I'm also new to competitive so go easy please. Another note I choose Not to use legendaries!

First segment:

Hippowdon @ Smooth Rock
Brave/Sand stream
252 Def/252 Sp.Def/4 Hp
Slack off
Stealth Rock
Fire Fang

Garchomp @ Assault vest
Adament/Sand veil
252 Atk/252 Sp. Def/4 Spd
Dragon claw
Iron head
Aerial ace

Lucario @ life orb
Naive/Inner focus
252. Sp. Atk/252 Def/ 4 Spd
Flash cannon
Aura sphere
Drain punch

Second segment

Tyranitar @ mega stone
Adament/Sand stream
252 Atk/252 Sp. Def/ 4 Spd
Stone edge
Iron Head

Mandibuzz @ leftovers
252 Def/ 252 Spd/ 4 Hp
Brave Bird

Cradily @ big root
Lax/Storm Drain
252 Def/252 Sp. Atk/4 Hp
Giga Drain
Sludge bomb
Ancient power

First, is to set sand and Hippowdon gets out stealth rock. Fire fang is for ice support, slack off for obvious reasons. Garchomp is physical Sweeper coming in hard and fast and Aerial ace never misses and covers Lucario fighting weakness. Lucario is set for Special Sweeping Aura sphere for STAB along with flash cannon, also good ice support for Hippowdon and Garchomp, Protect is so Garchomp/Hippowdon can go grazy with AoE Earthquake, Drain punch because the poor guy is frail and can come back and hurt some more

Second segment is meant for cleanup. Tyranitar gets the Mega for if weather changes, iron head is for Fairy, Ice, and Rock threats (Against mandibuzz). Storm drain cradily makes all water pointless plus raises sp. Atk. Giga Drain goes good against duel water/Ground plus big root means more Hp. Protect is for AoE Earthquake. Sludge bomb is grass and fairy coverage. Mandibuzz is meant as a support. Reflect or light screen? Defog. Set up user, Taunt.(Roost as a recovery). Plus I'm sure you're aware of the flaw in tyranitar and cradily being Speed, which is why Tailwind is in there. Brave bird is good STAB, and that about wraps it up.

I'll greatly appreciate any support or recommendation. These guys are my favorites and putting them together was a lot of work and fun

edited by
You need EVs, Nature and Format for this to be valid. Please edit these in.
You said it's for 3v3. Does this mean it's for Battle Spot?
I have a few problems with this team:

First of all, why do so many of your Pokemon have Ariel ace? The move kinda sucks. Second, Garchomp should not have Earth Power. He should have earthquake. Also, defensive landorus T would work on this team.
I have made Adjustments as to Nature's, EVs, moveset (Mostly by experimenting and by looking more thoroughly through their learnsets) and just wanted to note that I do NOT wish to use legendaries. This is for competitive and mainly for Battle Maison(ORAS). and any advice or tweeks would be both appreciated and taken into consideration. As I stated before I chose this team because they are all my favorites, some homework on how they'd work together and, wanted to try something other than fill the Dex and Breeding. Keep it light please. Don't bite my head off, I'm just looking for some guidance.
This will probably help more than a team rate. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qYztMbBTY0qm4mFy1-66bafgsVQ2gkeErAO3QUghEBY/edit?usp=sharing I'm especially wondering why you're using life orb Lucario when mega Lucario is obviously better.
Using legendaries is not cheating at all, in fact, you could probably use some.

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