Pokémon Rate My Team
0 votes

Since their all level 100 all the EVs are maxed out and this team is for like playing online and stuff. Here we go.

Ability: Blaze
Item: Blazikenite
- Blaze Kick
- Sky Uppercut
- Brave Bird
- Poison Jab

Ability: Torrent
Item: Rindo Berry
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Punch
- Extrasensory
- Night Slash

Mow Rotom
Ability: Levitate
Item: White Herb
- Thunder
- Leaf Storm
- Dark Pulse
- Signal Beam

Ability: Inner Focus
Item: Lucarioite
- Aura Sphere
- Extreme Speed
- Dragon Pulse
- Shadow Claw

Ability: Illusion
Item: Chople Berry
- Night Slash
- Retaliate
- Flamethrower
- Focus Blast

Ability: Sand Veil
Item: Roseli Berry
- Dragon Rush
- Earth Power
- Crunch
- Fire Blast

If you guys have any suggestions on my showdown team let me know ;)

What Pokemon, moves, and abilities are you not allowed to use? What are your EVs and natures?
Oh imma allowed 2 use all of them. Wat is this, Alakazam using disable on my pokemon all da time? Lucario has Naughty nature Zoroark has Rash Nature Garchomp has Calm nature Blaziken has Naive Nature Greninja Has Brave Nature and Mow Rotom has Jolly Nature.
Oh hey sumwun don’t tell anyone but Fizz has the privallage to delete accounts. So how do I get the privallage to delete accounts like Fizz?
I can’t actually do that lol.
I can delete accounts though, you better start treating me nicely!
If you're allowed to use any Pokemon, then you should probably be using a full team of Groudons.
Also, deleting accounts on this site requires dark magic. I may be an expert, but I don't know all the secrets.
Oh Sumwun thats a great point. Ill use Groudons. But i dont want any of em to faint by another one of my groudons using earthquake. Thats why my Garchomp knows Earth Power.
I think the Groudons should hold air balloons. But it would b silly cuz Groudon is like the heaviest pokemom that game freak that ever made according to the pokedex
Ill treat ya nicely PX. I will. Well until i reach 38th place i will be treating you nice.
If you don't want your Groudons fainting each other, then you should teach them precipice blades. Also, red orbs are a lot better than air balloons because they raise Groudon's stats and make water attacks fail.
Oh btw sumwun I think the chat might be dead.

1 Answer

0 votes

I suppose this could work. By Smogon's rules, your team wouldn't be legal because Mega Lucario, Greninja, and Blaziken are banned in Gen 6's Overused. However, I can suggest some potential improvements:

Ability: Blaze -> Speed Boost
Poison Jab -> Protect
Blaze Kick -> Flare Blitz
Sky Uppercut -> High Jump Kick
Item: Many options could potentially work since Speed Boost Blaziken is self-sufficient without a mega evolution. Life Orb would be one that comes to mind.

Ability: Torrent -> Protean
Ice Punch -> Ice Beam
Night Slash -> Dark Pulse
Extrasensory -> Toxic Spikes/U-turn (Extrasensory can stay if you choose)
Rindo Berry -> Life Orb

Mow Rotom:
Personally, you really shouldn't be using Mow Rotom over Heat or especially Wash
Wash Rotom:
A personal moveset I like to run goes like this:
Leftovers/Life Orb
Volt Switch
Hex/Pain Split
Hydro Pump

Inner Focus -> Justified
Dragon Pulse -> Bullet Punch
Shadow Claw -> Close Combat/Meteor Mash/Mach Punch

Item: Life Orb
Night Slash -> Dark Pulse/Night Daze (The latter is a dead giveaway to your illusion if you care about preserving it)

Item: Leftovers/Choice Scarf
Sand Veil -> Rough Skin
Dragon Rush -> Outrage/Draco Meteor
Earth Power -> Earthquake

Anyways, that's what I'd do. If you're considering using this in Ubers, you might want to reconsider using Zoroark or Rotom in place of a box legendary.
