Pokémon Rate My Team
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I need to sweep as fast as possible because I don't like long battle and I want to farm BP. Will this team work or keep dying in single battle at Battle Tree (Ultra Moon)?
1) Ribombee
Modest nature, holding Light Clay
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Bug Buzz
- Dazzling Geam
2) Pheromosa
Adamant nature, holding Life Ord
- High Jump Kick
- Triple Kick (for those sturdy)
- U-turn
- Me First (Let's hope a Ghost type use Shadow Claw I guess? Please suggest something better)
3) Salazzle
Timid nature, holding Shuca Berry
- Nasty Plot (It may die before using this, but I don't have Focus Sash because I'm farming BP right now ;-;)
- Flamethrower
- Slugde Wave
- Dragon Pulse
This is just a plan. I do have these pokemon but their nature are bad

Me First can be replaced with Ice Beam or Lunge.

Ribombee would just slow your grind down, if anything. :P

I don't suggest using Glass cannons like Pherimosa or Salazzle in the Battle Tree, even with screen support. You'll get sweeped every time they lead with Blaziken or maybe Sharpedo. I suggest using a D-Dance user like Mega Gyrados or Mega Salemence, A good Z-Nuke like Tapu Koko or Nasty Plot Naganadel, and a Scarf Sweeper like Blacephalon, Kartana, Heatran, or Tapu Lele if you want to sweep quickly and make it past 50 wins. :P
I can't mega evolve because I have no BP and want to farm LOL
But Naganadel and the Tapu seem good, thankyou :D
The other ultra beasts you suggested are in Ultra Sun x(
What are the abilities and EVs?

1 Answer

1 vote

I don't suggest Ribombee because it takes a while for it to set up screens, and I don't recommend Pheromosa and Salazzle due to their low defenses. As Stakatacool suggested, boosting sweepers like Mega Salamence, Mega Gyarados, Volcarona, or Dragonite work. Scarfed sweepers are amazing in the battle tree, too, and having a Pokemon that can abuse Z-moves to eliminate threats is immensely valuable. Tailwind support is also nice if you don't want to scarf or you're using a relatively slower sweeper. Pretty much all of Stakatacool's recommendations are on point.

If you still want to use the team, swap Me First for something else, like Ice Beam, Lunge, Bug Buzz, or even Drill Run.

edited by
I need to be fast and kill everything to get BP (0 BP right now and can't mega evolve or buy anything that needs BP)
Thanks for suggesting Volcarona and Dragonite, I'll try them :3
You can get BP by Mantine Surfing as well, but it gets boring after a while even if you're super good at it. :P

I think that is the first time anyone has called me "Stakataka" and not "Staka", Stakatacool", or some really obscure nick-name. :P
I'm pretty sure I've called you "@Stakataka" sometime before.
Oop, my mistake. I'll go fix that.