Pokémon Rate My Team
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Blaziken - Mega (M) @ Blazikenite
EVS. Sp. Atk 176 Sp. Def 98 Spd 135
Nature Rash
Brave Bird
Sky Uppercut
Flame Charge
Rock Smash

Flygon (M) @ Potion
EVS. Sp.Atk 94 Sp. Def 104 Spd 126
Nature Careful
Dragon Rush
Dragon Claw
Hyper Beam

Azumarill (F) @ Max Revive
Ability- Thick Fat
EVS. Sp. Atk 103 Sp. Def 92 Spd 78
Nature Rash
Aqua Ring
Aqua Tail

Masquerian (F) @ Honey
Ability- Intimidate
EVS. Sp. Atk 104 Sp. Def 104 Spd 90
Nature Bold
Aqua Jet
Bug Buzz
Air Slash

Breloom (M)
Ability-Poison Heal
EVS. Sp. Atk 102 Sp. Def 82 Spd 101
Nature Modest
Mega Drain
Dynamic Punch

Gardevoir (M)
Ability- Synchronize
EVS. Sp. Atk 170 Sp. Def 130 Spd 117
Nature Modest
Magical Leaf
Draining Kiss

closed with the note: Sorry, this is for competitive teams only.
closed by
what format?
I'm 100% sure Pokémon can't use Potions, Max Revives, and Honey in battle unless you use Fling or Switcheroo, which still isn't the greatest use of the Item, Move or Pokemon. :P

What Format are you Battling in? Are there any Pokémon/Moves/Abilities/Items/etc. that you and your opponent(s) will not be able to use? :P
You cant use potion and revive and honey. Use other items such as plates.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but what competitive format is this for? This vaguely looks like an ingame team for ORAS, especially with the use of Blaziken (who is banned in OU)
Also try to revise your use of 'EVs' in this thread. EVs are not the stats you see on your Pokemon's summary screen -- they're instead one of the factors that go into determining them.