Pokémon Rate My Team
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I'm not very good when it comes to playing Pokemon competitively, so I was hoping some people could look at the team I put together and give me some constructive criticism so I might be able to not suck one of these days. I'm fist going to list the Pokemon in my team and then after I'm going to make some notes on some of the Pokemon in my Team and why I have them.

Pokemon 1: Lopunny
Item: Lopunnite
Ability: Cute Charm
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Atk / 100 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk -SpAtk)
Moves: Last Resort; Power-Up Punch; Laser Focus; Protect

Pokemon 2: Chansey
Item: Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA
Bold Nature (+Def -Atk)
Moves: Soft-Boiled; Dazzling Gleam; Flamethrower; Healing Wish

Pokemon 3: Kommo-o
Item: @ Aguav Berry
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 248 HP / 188 Def / 72 SpD
Careful Nature (+SpDef -SpAtk)
Moves: Protect; Iron Defense; Dragon Claw; Drain Punch

Pokemon 4: Volcarona
Item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe -Atk)
Moves: Fire Blast; Bug Buzz; Psychic; Giga Drain

Pokemon 5: Shuckle
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 HP
Sassy Nature (+SpDef -Spe)
Moves: Shell Smash; Rest; Infestation; Toxic

Pokemon 6: Mismagius
Item: Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def
Impish Nature (+Def -SpAtk)
Moves: Mean Look; Protect; Perish Song; Pain Split

So first off is Lopunny. One thing that hast to stay in my team is Lopunny. I just like this Pokemon to much and I (at least tried to ) made this team around her. I decided to try a Last Resort set up with her and use Power Up Punch and the guaranteed critical hit from Laser Focus to boost the damage of Last Resort further and use Protect as a way to scout moves or block stuff like Solar beam. I was thinking of using Drain Punch but I'm not sure what I could/should replay with it.

Next is Chansey. I think Eviolite Chansey is more tanky Specially than Blissey but I'm not sure. If I'm mistaken just pretend Blissey is listed instead. Soft-Boiled for sustain, Healing Wish as an emergency top off for something else if Chansey/Blissey becomes useless and two filler moves since I didn't know what else to use.

Kommo-o is just there to be a Physical wall and Vocarona to be a Special Sweeper, not really sure what the best way to build either of these are. Shuckle is there because I have had my day ruined by this thing and used him to wreck havoc a few times so I trust him and wanted a way to out stall stall based teams. And Mismagius is another way to do that with Mean Look and Perish Song.

Anyways like I said earlier, I'm not the greatest at competitive battling and would appreciate any constructive criticism you have for me.

I've Noticed some Pokemon in OU are Legendary, but I would prefer not to have any in my team. One or two maybe if they are just SO Good that it would be a near guarantee loos not to include them, but if possible keep the Legendary Pokemon to a minimum.
Kommo-O is interesting because it only rose to OU recently. Most sets suggest that Kommo-o Stay away from Fairies and either have Dragon Tail+Stealth Rock (defensive role), Stealth Rock+Clangerous Soulblaze (split role), or Belly Drum+Substitute (offensive). Iron Defense and Protect seem like an odd gimmick to me, especially when one Dazzling Gleam will OHKO Kommo-O :P

I don't think Mismagius will do well at all in OU because the Def and HP Ev's aren't going to do much when Mimikyu, Bisharp, Landorus-T, Tapu Koko, Weavile, Flying/Levitate Pokémon, and the moves Volt Switch/U-Turn exist and are common in OU. :P

A Suicide Lead Shuckle is the only Viable Shuckle in OU, mostly due to Chansey, Toxapex, and Taunt's Presence. :P

Upon reading all content on this page, I assume you are playing on a DS and not Pokémon Showdown!, and therefore your choices may be limited. If this is correct, while Legendary Pokémon aren't necessary, you should be able to get Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini, Tapu Bulu, and all the ultra beasts in OU easily. If you have Ultra Sun/Moon, Tornadus-T, Mega Lati@s, Thundurus, Zapdos, Heatran, and Blacephalon should also be easy to get, and Landorus-T and Kyurem-Black can be obtained if you have the two other legendaries in their trio. Granted, you still miss out on Magearna, Victini, Diancie-Mega, Hoopa Unbound, Keldeo, and Mew. :P
If you aren't on the DS and use PS!, I recommend you use whatever benefits your team, albeit legendary or not. Not doing so would be a bad team-building practice, as you limit yourself unusually to use all of the Pokémon in one tier. They are all in that tier because they all compete on a relatively level playing field, meaning that that Legendary is just as good as the other Pokémon in the tier, meaning it isn't OP to use it, but not considering it limits your team-building flexibility and may cause sub-optimal synergy. :P
In Response to staka's comment, I am currently on showdown, but when Sword and Shield are released I would like to work towards transferring my team over to that though breading and that's part of the reason I don't want to use legendary Pokemon (and by extension Ultra Beasts). I tried breading and stuff back in Unova but it was so much of a pain and I didn't get it then so I gave up until now, and since I have effectively no practice I would like to focus on learning that instead of spending my time Soft Resetting on the Switch with no Soft Reset button other than Home + Close Application.

Also I just recently experienced a Pokemon U-Turning out of my Mean Look... I will admit, the fact that those moves work like that caught me off guard...
U-turn is a common move in OU. This is why mean look and block are generally not useful.

2 Answers

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Best answer

First Volcarona,

I would switch your Volcarona to modest since it's a Choice Scarf Volcarona, no need for both a x1.5 and a x1.1 buff. I would also switch Psychic for Hurricane, trust me, it comes more in handy than Psychic, the risk is high but the reward is higher. Trust me, Hurricane with Volcarona has won me matches before.
If you want it to remain Timid or you already bred one I would switch to a Firium Z Quiver Dance set.

Now onto your Lopunny,

Fake out is a must on your Lopunny, I would switch out Laser Focus for it, since if you aren't gonna KO with your Lopunny you might as well switch it out, you're not gonna tank a turn, and if they're going for a status move you're better off going with a prediction switch than let it happen, for all you know they could be going for substitute and then your laser focus is in vain.

Shell Smash Shuckle is a weird one I gotta say...

I'd suggest swapping it out for a Setup Shuckle, which is the meta, if you HAVE to use it, maybe switch it out for a better setup mon, i mean it doesn't even have Power Trick.. which is a gimmicky move unless you can pull it off well. And if you insist on the Shell Smash strat, Cloyster pulls it off better, either use Shell Smash White Herb Cloyster, or Shell Smash Focus Sash, whichever is more comfortable.

Mismagius looks great, I don't play around with Pain Split enough to question the Sitrus berry, so I'm not going to, but you got a good set going for it.

As for Kommo-O, I dont use it or see it in battle enough to give you a proper answer. So i'll leave it be.

Now... the Chansey.. oh boy that chansey....

Not to be an ass, but Eviolite Special Attacking Chansey has got to be the dumbest use of it I've seen yet. remove those special moves, swap for Toxic and Seismic Toss/Stealth Rocks. I mean you don't even dedicate your EVs to Special Attack so why even use it?? remove those sp.attack evs, the 8 you even have, put 4 on hp to max it out and 4 on sp.def to boost it even more. and put some proper moves on that Chansey, man.

I hope this helps.

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Hurricane is bad on Volcarona. Flamethrower covers grass and bug, and psychic covers fighting, so there are almost no situations when hurricane hits significantly harder than both flamethrower and psychic.
Can you explain one thing to me, why does Chansey run Seismic Toss? I understand Toxic, but I just Looked up Chansey's stats and its SpAtk is 7 times larger than it's Atk (mind you they are both super low, but still). I just figured a special Chansey would be able to do some slightly larger chip damage. I'm willing to change, I would just like an expectation.

Also, where did you get the images for your answer from? (or if they're from this site and its a formatting thing, how do I format them in there?)
Chansey, Like other walls, has incredibly low damage output. 9 times out of ten, Seismic Toss will do more damage and allow Chansey to outright KO an opponent. Seismic Toss also favors neither physical nor special defenders in that it does the same damage either way. Conversely, Chansey's SpA stat is so low that it probably won't OHKO a frail Pokémon, and once your opponent sees that you have a Gimmick special attacker, they'l send out a special Wall/Tank that will sponge all of Chansey's attacks. :P
Seismic toss deals damage equal to the user's level, regardless of anyone's attack or defense stats. So a level 100 Chansey's seismic toss will always deal exactly 100 damage. This is usually stronger than any of its special attacks.
–1 vote

this is what i think u can change in your mons (if you dont wanna use others mon)
shuckle(maybe) and mismagius have good sets

Lopunny-Mega @ Lopunnite
Ability: Scrappy (get rid of ghost-type)
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- High Jump Kick (or drain punch)
- Fake Out (sure)
- Protect (you can change)
- Thunder Punch (deal with flying-type)

Chansey @ Eviolite (this set is really fabulous in some ways)
Ability: Healer
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic (kill tanky mons)
- Counter (predict physical move but u should be careful because chansey's physical defend is nothing)
- Soft-Boiled (sure)
- Fire Blast (cheap damage but good if u get taunted or u face something like ferrothorn)

Kommo-o @ Kommonium Z
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Clanging Scales (z-move, stats boost)
- Focus Blast (stab)
- Flamethrower (u can change)
- Flash Cannon (get rid of fairy-type)

Volcarona @ Leftovers
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance (must have this move and then you kill everything)
- Flamethrower (stab)
- Bug Buzz (stab)
- Giga Drain (kill water-type, you can change)

hopefully i could help you a little bit :D

You need to explain why they should change Pokemon, not just suggest.
i'm actually not good at explaining :P
You kind of need to try
And bad explanations are still better than no explanations at all.
Healer Ability on Chansey? I may be absolutely ill-informed here, but why? It says it has a chance to cure and adjacent ally's status, but not the Chansey itself... Natural Cure Is guaranteed on the only Pokemon I want healed (since this is for Singles and I have no allies out.) I'm I mistaken about something here and Healer is actually good or should I stick with my gut feeling to keep Natural Cure
you're right, i just forgot to choose nature cure