Pokémon Rate My Team
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I am currently preparing to attempt the battle tree with all shinies. I am planning on catching these pokemon in the ultra wormholes. I am not sure if this is a good team or not. Please give me feedback, anything helps!

SHINY Medicham @ Medichamite
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
Adamant Nature
-Fire Punch
-Ice Punch
-Drain Punch

SHINY Barbaracle @ Rindo Berry
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Def, 4 Spe
Impish Nature
-Razor Shell
-Night Slash
-Bulk Up

SHINY Grumpig @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 SpD, 4 Def
Calm Nature
-Energy Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-Confuse Ray

Honestly, I think Grumpig and Barbaracle are poor choices, especially when you don't give Barbaracle Shell Smash, and don't use a valuable Z-move slot. I think you should pick Pokémon not from the Ultra Warp ride, since Mega-Medicham is the only viable Battle Tree Pokémon from there. :P
Ok I'll just use one of the other sets I created. I just wanted to mess around with that team to see if it was viable. If u want to see my other teams (I have planned 7 of them) then I will post them here.
I don't think Medicham is the only viable option from there. Mega Altaria has decent potential as a bulky sweeper. Abomasnow could be a good tank although it does have a lot of weaknesses. Hippowdon could also be a decent tank. I still think Barbaracle is good without shell smash since the role I had it in was tank not setup sweeper. I understand that they're not ideal but what do you think of these 'mons?
I think Hippowdon is a good Pokemon in the Battle Tree. As for the others, why would you use Barbarnacle when Tyranitar is a better tank? Why would you use Altaria as a bulky sweeper when you can use Salamence, which is bulkier (on the physical side) and better at sweeping? Why would you use Abomasnow as a tank with a lot of weaknesses when you could use Ferrothorn as a tank with less weaknesses?
Did you read my whole comment? I said they were not ideal, I was just going to make a team of all shinies from the wormholes. And I was asking what you thought of those pokemon, not for replacements for them. I'm sorry that what I said sounds mean, but I wanted to see how you thought they would do in the battle tree. I also understand they are outclassed by other pokemon, but like I said I wanted them to all be shiny and from the wormholes. Do you think a team with Altaria, Barbaracle, and Hippowdon would do decent at the battle tree?
I'm not very familiar with the Battle Tree, so all I know is that everything except Medicham and Hippowdon will do worse than Tyranitar, Salamence, and Ferrothorn.
I forgot Hippodawn encounter-able in Ultra Space Warp Ride. You can use Hippodawn, just don't run a Sand team. The battle tree will either throw rain teams at you or Grass/Water/Ice types; whereas, if you have team diversity, you generally get a lot of random Pokés until they decide to throw Speed Boost Sharpedo and Blaziken at you. :P

I've tried using those Pokémon before and wasn't able to get a 50 streak. I agree with sumwun that there are better choices than them, and admittedly my first 50 Streak was with Tapu Koko, Salemence, and Toxapex. :P

I just don't think that you can make a very Viable Battle Tree Team out of the Ultra Warp Ride Pokes, and that is as much advice as I can offer. :P
Ok, thanks to the both of you! I'm glad I didn't waste my time trying to do good with a mediocre team. I think I'm going to use one of the other teams I planned. Thanks again :)
The team I'm going to use is as follows...
Gallade @ Galladite
Adamant Nature
Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 252 Atk 252 Spe 4 HP
Leaf Blade
Psycho Cut
Swords Dance

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Adamant Nature
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 Atk 126 SpD 126 Def 4 Spe
Shadow Sneak
Sacred Sword
Iron Head
Swords Dance

Wishiwashi @ Big Root
Quiet Nature
Ability: Schooling
EVs: 252 HP 116 Def 112 SpD 32 SpA
Aqua Ring
Ice Beam
I've used that exact Gallade before; it definitely does well enough to bring along. Psycho Cut is far better than Aerial Ace. :P

Night Slash hits the same things as Shadow Claw/Shadow Sneak and Shadow Claw/Shadow Sneak are leagues better than Night Slash on Aegislash. Also, without King's Shield or Shadow Sneak, Aegislash is unable to Effectively KO more than one Pokémon due to it's abyssal 60 Base Speed. Also, Life Orb makes this even worse as it takes HP away from Aegislash. I suggest you either give Aegislash Leftovers, Shadow Claw, and King's Shield; or Shadow Sneak. :P

Big Root+Aqua Ring doesn't heal as much as Leftovers+Aqua Ring. Leftovers is a better Item for Wishiwashi. While Wishiwashi isn't seen as a great Pokémon, I think it's bulk will be fine for the Battle Tree. Use U-Turn, Brine isn't a good move in the first place, and Pivoting could be nice. You might also want to consider Toxic to Ruin things you can't hit as hard. :P
Awesome, thank you so much! I will definitely change those, I'll edit this with what I decide. I am going to keep the big root on Wishiwashi since I'm putting leftovers on Aegislash. And I'm going to leave off king's shield because it comes out in shield form and then I tank a hit, swords dance and sweep.
Btw I have a couple other teams I'm considering using and might need some help if this team goes wrong. Thanks again :)
Gallade is outclassed by Medicham because Medicham's ability is much better. You seem to already have a shiny Medicham, so just use that. Wishiwashi is outclassed by Quagsire because Quagsire has unaware and recover.
I know what you mean, I find it hard to believe that no one uses Medicham. It has good bulk, amazing sweeping potential with its ability, and has a very diverse movepool. I might end up making an all shiny team after all. And I actually don't have a Medicham because I keep getting repeat shiny Hippowdons and Abomasnows in the yellow wormhole where you can get a Medicham. I do have a shiny Quagsire though so my team could be Medicham, Altaria, and Quagsire once I get Medicham. I still am going to use the team I have posted, but thanks for your help with my all shiny team!
This is gonna be my all shiny team...
*Medicham @ Medichamite
-Pure Power
Fire Punch
Thunder Punch
Brick Break
EVs: 252 Atk 252 Spd 4 Hp

*Altaria @ Yache Berry
-Natural Cure
Dragon Pulse
Ice Beam
EVs: 252 Sp Atk 126 Sp Def 126 Def 4 Spd

*Quagsire @ Rocky Helmet
-Water Absorb
EVs: 252 Hp 128 Def 124 Sp Def 4 Atk
Give Medicham telepathy in case a Ditto transforms into it before it mega evolves. Teach it high jump kick and psycho cut for more power, ice punch to cover flying, and bullet punch to hit faster opponents and cover fairy. Give Quagsire unaware to counter almost all stat raising opponents, a rocky helmet to hurt contact users, especially U-turn users, and 252 HP/4 Atk/128 Def/124 SpD to raise physical defense by one point. (that EV spread doesn't lower special defense or any stat, in case you're wondering) Replace haze with scald to force physical attackers to switch out.
I'm not too concerned about a Fitto in the battle tree since I should outspeed it and just use brick break. I'm not using hi jump kick because it can miss and Medichams ability makes it way more powerful than any other sweeper. Btw thunder punch covers flying just the same as ice punch. Bullet punch is an egg move and I'm not breeding this Pokemon. I can't get unaware on Quagsire because the Quagsire that I caught has water absorb which is why I gave it haze. I would have given it scald but I needed haze to do the same thing as unaware. Should I replace toxic with it instead?
Some flying Pokemon, like Salamence, Gliscor, Thundurus, and Landorus, are weaker to ice punch. Pokemon that are weaker to thunder punch tend to be less threatening.
That's why I have ice beam on Altaria. I need thunder punch so my team can cover more types. My team already is missing coverage for some types so I feel like this team will get killed by its weaknesses. What do you think I should change to make it better? Because I don't have anything to cover ghost and psychic types.
Or is this good enough to handle the tree...
Medicham @ Medichamite
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 252 Atk 252 Spe 4 HP
-Fire Punch
-Thunder Punch
-Brick Break

Altaria @ Yache Berry
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 SpA 124 Def 128 SpD 4 Spe
-Ice Beam
-Dragon Pulse

Quagsire @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 Atk 128 Def 124 SpD 4 HP
Why are you not using fake out or psycho cut? Also, Medicham is faster and hits harder than Altaria, so I think you should put your important coverage moves on Medicham.
Could you recommend a moveset for each of these Pokemon including the same abilities, held items, and EVs? Because I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I'm probably just going to give this team up if I can't figure it out so will you help me?
What if I swapped Quagsire for Hippowdon? It would be like this...
*Medicham @ Medichamite
Ability: Pure Power
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch
Brick Break
Psycho Cut
252 Atk 252 Spd 4 Hp

*Altaria @ Yache Berry
Ability: Natural Cure
Dragon Pulse
Ice Beam
252 Sp Atk 126 Sp Def 126 Def 4 Spd

*Hippowdon @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sand Stream
Fire Fang
252 Atk 124 Def 132 Sp Def
Sorry I messed up the previous comment. Fake out is good on Medicham in OU, not the Battle Tree. Just replace fire punch and recover with ice punch and psycho cut.
Ok thank you! I will do that :)

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