Pokémon Rate My Team
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Tapu koko
timid nature
ability: electric terrain
252 sp.attack-252 speed-4hp
- discharge
- dazzling gleam
- calm mind
- iron defense (not gonna change)

M sceptile
modest nature
ability: lightning rod
252 sp.attack-252 speed-4hp
- giga drain
- frenzy plant
- dragon pulse
- nature power (elec terrain = thunderbolt)

With only these two I'm able to reach in the 20 in the battle trees super double battle without any of them fainting. after multiple tries i still don't know what the last 2 pokemon on the team should be. It never works out. If you have any ideas please answer. I want to make it to battle 50 for once.

I think Kartana is usually better than Sceptile. For the last 2 slots, I'd suggest Tyranitar and Excadrill.
Just normal tyranitar then? and kartana may have its beast boost but sceptile can actually take a hit and heal it back with a +1 giga drain.  t tar and excadrill will also run earthquake and tapu koko is not gonna like that. and sand damage for koko + life orb damage? i'm doubting it. i'm also looking for a hard counter for weavile because i encounter a lot of them.
it's a interesting idea but i don't think it will work
Kartana can use tailwind, super effectively hit steel Pokemon, hold a focus sash, and let a teammate mega evolve. If you want a Weavile counter, then I recommend mega Kangaskhan, which is probably the best fake out user in the game. I think a good last teammate would be Cresselia, which is a reliable ground counter and helping hand user.
can you give me a cresselia set? I have 2 in the boxes but i have no idea which moves to give. I might try kartana but then I should change tapu koko's discharge to thunderbolt for obvious reasons.  so lets see how it turns out. Even though I don't like to set up a move like tailwind with such a frail pokemon. maybe I bring hochkrow to the party.
Cresselia @ leftovers
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold nature
- calm mind
- psyshock
- moonlight
- icy wind
Also don't use Honchkrow. Tyranitar is better.

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