Pokémon Rate My Team
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Aight so I took a long pause from trying to get a 100 win streak in the battle tower in pokemon Pearl cos jesus its so hard, but yeah after a long time of training here is a team I think might do the trick. Any advice at all is appreciated.

Nature - Timid
Ev's - 252 Speed, 252 Special Attack, rest in HP
Moves - Thunderbolt, Psychic, Surf, Ice Beam
Item - Life Orb

Nature - Adamant
Ev's - 252 Attack, 252 Speed, rest in HP
Moves - Earthquake, Thunder Punch, Cross Chop, Ice Punch
Item - Choice Scarf (?)

Nature - Adamant
Moves - Brick Break, Night Slash, Taunt, Ice Punch
Ev's: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, rest in hp
Item - Focus sSash

I am open to suggestions except changing Electivires nature. Im sorry I have spent enough time on this, I can change Weavile's but no I am way too Lazy for Electivire


1 Answer

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Looks pretty excellent overall. My first suggestion is that you replace Electivire's Choice Scarf with either Choice Band or Expert Belt, because you already have two other extremely fast Pokemon so I'd say it's better to focus more on raw power. Also, consider Swords Dance for Weavile, since Focus Sash will often ensure you survive on the turn you set up. Maybe also replace Psychic with Recover for Starmie, but this is just a matter of preference I'd say and far from necessary.

Not much else to say, I'd say you're set. Good job.

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Thanks! Trying it now, it is working brilliantly, altough I lost multiple times due to playing too risky. Any tips for gameplay?