Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hi, everyone. I'm trying to build a team I know isn't super competitive because I'm looking to use one or both Falinks and Steelix, since they're my favorites (I can painfully swap, though). My full team consists of:

-Falinks (Att 252, Spd 252, Def), Battle Armor, Life Orb

 Poison Jab
 Close Combat
 Zen Headbutt
 No Retreat

-Steelix (HP 252, Att 252, SpD), Sturdy, Leftovers

 Heavy Slam
 Body Press
 Stealth Rock

-Roserade (252 SpA, 252 Spd, SpD), Natural Cure, Black Sludge

 Sludge Bomb 
 Toxic Spikes
 Energy Ball
 Dazzling Gleam

-Escavalier (252 Att, 252 SpD, Def), Overcoat, Muscle Band

 Knock Off
 Iron Head 
 Drill Run

-Togekiss (252 SpA, 252 HP, Spd), Serene Grace, Choice Band

  Nasty Plot
  Air Slash 

-Espeon (252 Spd, 252 SpA, SpD), Magic Coat, Light Clay

  Light Screen
  Shadow Ball 

I mainly would start off with Espeon to set up walls, with either Togekiss, Steelix or Roserade to cripple or setup hazards. Although this doesn't allow Falinks to build up decent stats, which is my main problem with him. He can barely 1HKO anyone that isn't weak to his Close Combat with No Retreat, and he almost always goes down in one or two hits. Steelix kind of loses purpose after setting up Stealth Rock so... How could I make this team better? I also like Umbreon, Haxorus, Weavile, Gengar, Inteleon, Lucario and Tsareena. Thanks!

Change Togekiss's Flamethrower and Trick to Roost and Moonblast. Swap Roserade's Dazzling Gleam into Leech Seed and (maybe) Energy Ball to Giga Drain. Maybe change Falinks's Poison Jab for a rock-type move? It will have type coverage against Flying. And I think that's it
What natures are you using? What battle format did you make this team for?
If you absolutely must use those Pokemon, then it would be wise of you to build for a battle format where they are viable. (Such a thing would be difficult to do, though, because Falinks is a predictable gimmick and broadly not very good in competitive play.)
This isn't good advice. You should explain why these changes would be effective, or OP is going to learn nothing from them. You should address these points, at least:
- Togekiss almost always uses Flamethrower instead of Moonblast because Flamethrower hits Steel. What does Moonblast hit that is more important (and that Air Slash isn't effective against)?
- Poison Jab hits Fairy which, like Flying, resists Close Combat. So why is coverage for Flying better than for Fairy?
Togekiss doesn't learn Moonblast in the first place...

2 Answers

0 votes

Change togekiss item to either choice scarf or specs, tbh if people are running trick they will not run nasty plot. Sometimes they opponent can make use of it to ko u back, when u use choice band, physical attackers maybe able to ko u. Advisable to actually make use of choice item other than locking opponent. I can write another long chunk but my point is that don't use choice band. I would change nasty plot to aura sphere.
As for steelix u can give him rock head, change either body press or heavy slam(I would change heavy slam), to head smash.
Roserade maybe change dazzling gleam to sleep powder, making the opponent want to switch, getting hit by ur toxic spikes and rocks. May consider changing one of stab moves to extrasensory to hit poison types that switch in to absorb ur toxic spikes.
I would say no to falinks zen headbutt due to flawed accuracy and does not cover weakness. Use First impression or any other reasonable move e.g. rock tomb, megahorn, throat chop.....
Other than that it is rather decent

0 votes

I've found this team doesn't suit a doubles format, hence I've been using it more on singles. Honestly I dont think this team fits any description since it isn't hyper offensive, nor a defensive team. I would like to set up some entry hazards with Roserade/Steelix, support with walls by Espeon, and the rest would be for attacking, mainly. I have done some experimenting and will comment on it below.

The natures of each Pokemon:

Falinks (Serious)
Steelix (Mild)
Roserade (Gentle)
Togekiss (Modest)
Espeon (Rash)
Escavalier (Lonely)

Steelix has worked so far only to set up Stealth Rock thanks to Sturdy. Besides that, he doesn't get chance for more in singles unless a miss happens.

I maxed out Falinks' HP instead of Attack, which has allowed me to use No Retreat and attacking on the next turn (if other team doesn't have Trick Room or speed buffs). In this scenario, I have been able to 1HKO Pokemon. Also, having Defiant as his ability has worked better than Battle Armor, due to the attack buff.

Espeon has been the most reliable as a support thanks to Magic Bounce and wall support. I usually use him after Steelix to setup walls for the incoming Pokemon. Offensively it does not deal much damage to the usual Pokemon used online.

I've found that Roserade should only be on the team when the other team isn't full of Pokes that can counter it. She doesn't have enough speed to outrun most Fire, Ice or otherwise super effective moves and is usually 1HKOd by them. Otherwise, Sludge Bomb has been the move I've used the most besides setting up Toxic Spikes. I've opted for switching to Inteleon in the team lately, with Endure, Ice Beam, Scald and Air Slash while holding Mystic Water.

Escavalier has been the most reliable KO-er if it wasn't for his speed. I believe he'd be better set up in a Trick Room team, so I've opted for switching to Weavile lately, its moveset being Taunt, Icicle Crash, Brick Break and Throat Chop.

Togekiss has been the annoyance on my team for others. Its ridiculously bulky and has only been able to be 1HKOd by Steel Beam. I removed Nasty Plot for Aura Sphere since there were scenarios were Trick wasnt a viable option with Scarf on.

I've played Pokemon for years and honestly I'm delving now into this whole team building thing so any suggestions as to which kind of format I should pursue (offensive, defensive, etc) would be well appreciated. Again, the only Pokemon I wish to always keep are Steelix and Falinks. (Yes, I know Falinks is predictable but I just like it xD)
