Pokémon Rate My Team
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I felt like making an OU team for Showdown. So I did. And after switching some of the Pokemon, I think I've ended up with a decent team, and I think the Pokemon go well together. Have you got any improvements for it?


Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Superpower
- U-turn

(I may have copied aspects of this set from another team.) Landorus is the main sweeper of my team, and I usually send him out first, and switch him in after another member of the team faints. Not much can out-speed him, since his Speed is maxed out, and he's holding a Choice Scarf. I chose Earthquake because obviously, and STAB, Stone Edge and Superpower for coverage, and U-turn to escape. However, once he's started using a move other than U-turn, he can't use it without switching normally, because of the scarf. So I'm not sure if I should get rid of the Choice Scarf, because I need him to be really fast, otherwise he won't be able to survive. Is there any way around this?

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Destiny Bond

The secondary suicide sweeper in my team. Gengar also has maxed out Speed, so once he starts his rampage, nothing can stop him, unless they out-speed him, or endure one of his attacks with more than half of their HP remaining. That is why I gave him a Focus Sash. Because without the sash, when he's at full HP, he might as well be on 1 HP, since he has terrible defenses. So it basically allows him to just keep going. Shadow Ball because of STAB, Thunderbolt and Hidden Power [Ice] for a bolt-beam-ish combo to give him coverage. And finally Destiny Bond for the awesome Gengar troll. When he's on 1 HP from the sash, and he won't be able to kill the opposition, he can sacrifice himself to faint the opposing Pokemon. This annoys people lots.

Aggron-Mega @ Aggronite
Ability: Filter
EVs: 252 HP / 16 Def / 240 SpD
Careful Nature
- Iron Head
- Fire Punch
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Mega Aggron is my ultra-bulky wall. With his base 230 Defence, and 16 EVs in Defence, he has a ridiculous 500 Defense. And his Special Defense and HP aren't too bad either. And Filter makes those super-effective attacks do 1.5X damage instead of 2X, making him even better. Iron Head because of STAB, and Fire Punch because once I finished my team, I realized nothing had a Fire-type move. Is there anything else on the team that can have a Fire-type move that could use it better/more than Aggron? Because I think Ice Punch would be better, because it covers more types that Iron Head doesn't. And I've also given Aggron Rest and Sleep Talk to give him a good of recovery, while he can still keep attacking. Therefore, Aggron is just my general wall that I can keep reliably switching into, and can just keep Resting if the opponent is Burnt, until they eventually switch out or die.

Rotom-Wash @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 28 Def / 28 SpA / 200 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Trick
- Will-O-Wisp

Rotom acts as my Special tank, and walls the Special attacks that the rest of my team can't, while still packing a punch with Hydro Pump, powered up by Choice Specs. (even if it is a bit inaccurate, he can survive with his defenses.) Also Volt Switch, which is not as powerful, so I generally don't use it for purely damaging purposes, but instead as a form of escape, to lead off with another Pokemon, without it being damaged. And I know the one I switch into won't be damaged, because I made Rotom's Speed as low as possible, so it will use Volt Switch last. This also helps with other predictions, knowing he will go last, unless he's up against a really slow Pokemon. Trick is also useful, to force an enemy to switch after getting stuck into using a status move, and if I want to use Will-O-Wisp, to help keep damaging foes, without having to switch afterwards.

Sylveon @ Leftovers
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Calm Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Calm Mind
- Baton Pass
- Wish

Sylveon is the other Special tank and cleric of my team. I gave it Leftovers for extra health recovery, to more effectively survive attacks. Hyper Voice is made Fairy-type because of Pixilate, which also gives it a 30% power boost, along with STAB, which adds up to a very large amount (I can't be bothered to work it out.). This breaks a lot of Pokemon whose Special Defense isn't high enough. Calm Mind to make it's best stats even higher. Baton Pass is useful to pass the Calm Mind boost on, and Wish is very useful for supporting the whole team in general. But I'm not sure if it goes properly with the rest of my team. I thought I would want a Specially defensive Pokemon in this role, since physical attackers are weakened lots by Landorus-T's Intimidate, Rotom's w.o.w, and Mega Aggron. So I would please like feedback on which other Pokemon could fit this role better than Sylveon.

Whimsicott @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 192 Atk / 252 SpD / 64 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Encore
- Seed Bomb
- Taunt
- Leech Seed

Whimsicott may be in RU, but it works brilliantly with this moveset. Leftovers provide continuous health recovery, which is important for it, and Prankster gives all it's status moves the priority they need to mess up the strategy of the opposing Pokemon. Encore and Taunt used when the opponent is setting up cause it to firstly do the setting up move again, then not move at all, and then use struggle. And since Whimsicott's Defense is quite low, Struggle will do lots of damage, causing a considerable amount of recoil on the opponent. And while this happens, Whimsicott can use Leech Seed, to get it's health back up, and Seed Bomb for backup. It is very useful for getting rid of potential sweepers as they are setting up.

So that is the team I made. I think it's quite good, but I would like suggestions of how to make it better.

For your convenience, here are some replays of me using this team:




In the first replay you lose btw
1. Switch Superpower for Knock Off, Superpower hits nothing that EQ + SE doesn't do already. Knock Off is a fairly safe spammable move as it gets rid of items which is always nice. Also, hits stuff like Gengar without resorting to the dodgy accuracy of Stone Edge.

2. Throw out HP Ice, replace with Sludge Bomb. throw out Thunderbolt, replace with Focus Blast. Replace Focus Sash for Life Orb imo. Sludge Bomb smacks Grass and Fairy Pokemon hard, Focus Blast smacks dark types, etc. etc.. Thunderbolt doesn't do much for Gengar, and Sludge Bomb hits most water types hard enough. Also hits Mega Venusaur a bit harder than Shadow Ball because higher base power. Focus Blast hits through things like Tyranitar and Ghost+Fighting combination has always had perfect neutral coverage ;>>>
If you change out Focus Sash for Life Orb, use Taunt over Destiny Bond as it gives you a larger chance against walls like Chansey (which normally carries Seismic Toss as it's only form of offence) and non-Knock Off Mega Venusaur, as it shuts down Synthesis.

3.  It's not necessary to have a fire type move lol. Fire moves hit Steel, Grass and Ice. As long as you have moves that also hit those types, you fine.  I would change out Fire Punch for Earthquake, as a more reliable way of taking on most Steel types. Steel STAB already takes down Ice, and the most common grass Pokemon are probably Breloom and Mega Venusaur. The former is already severely damaged by Iron Head, and the latter has Thick Fat which allows it to laugh off Fire Punch.
It is worth considering Ice Punch to kill Dragon types.

4. Ewww Specs Rotom with specially defensive EVs. Plz no ;-;. I would personally change it to a standard Rotom set, in order to wall Talon and co. better. 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spe is the Smogon spread, with Pain Split over Trick.

5. Sylveon. You say that Rotom can wall the Special Attacks that the rest of your team can't, but honestly, Sylveon is the best option as a special wall in your team lol. I would suggest maxing out Special Defense and HP, and replacing Calm Mind for Heal Bell, Baton Pass for Protect. Nobody likes Baton Pass anyway.

6. I'm not sure about running Whimsicott tbh. You might want to change it out for something more offensive?. If you're insistent for keeping Whimsicott, at least change Seed Bomb ffs to Giga Drain. Whimsicott has higher Special Attack, and Seed Bomb is only 5 BP above Giga Drain. Also Giga Drain provides more recovery. Also consider running stuff like Stun Spore to support the rest of your team in attempting to sweep or something.

On an overall note, try switching Landy-T to a more defensive set with SR. Gengar likes Hazard support. Then replace Whimsicott with say, Scarf Keldeo or something else as your Scarfer. Your overall defensive type synergy doesn't take a huge hit even if you do that, and Landy-T functions as an excellent defensive pivot. It doesn't necessarily need to be speedy

Alot of the changes make your team more "Standard" which honestly, is a good thing. The problem with your team is that it uses unorthodox sets that honestly, don't particularly work. It's probably contributing to your current position of being stuck in lower ladder.
Even if you prefer not going Standard, honestly, standard should generally be the way you go (with occasional deviations). Standard is standard for a reason, and that's because it's normally very good.

As for the possible questions on why the hell this is a comment not an answer, maybe I'm just crazy. I'm too lazy to change it now anyway.
Thanks for the good suggestions. I think I will apply them. And the whole problem of the standard sets thing is probably because I don't know what any of the standard sets are! So, yeah.
Sempi, Superpower serves the purpose of ALWAYS OHKOing MTar from full, as well as not having to play mind games with MGyarados.
Git gud scrub. ;]
Oh yeah, good point. I didn't actually think about that while making his moveset, I just chose superpower for coverage, not realizing all those types were already covered :P

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