Pokémon Rate My Team
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I've never done competitive Pokemon before, so this is all still very new to me(I've always been a casual player). Please rate my thoughts for my team below! Any suggestions regarding my Pokemon, their moves, abilities, natures, items, and EVs is greatly appreciated! I also don't know much about strategy, so if you have any advice, please tell me! Thanks!

Toxtricity, Item- Throat Spray (Gigantamax)
Ability-Punk Rock
Evs-252 Sp. Atk/4 Sp. Def/252 Speed
-Shift Gear
-Sludge wave

Corviknight, Item-Leftovers
Evs- 252 HP/200 DEF/56 Sp. Def
-Body Press
-Brave Bird
-Defog(Might replace with Iron Head)

(Alolan) Ninetails, Item-Light Clay
Ability-Snow warning
Evs-252 Sp.A/4 Sp.D/252 Speed
-Freeze Dry
-Aurora Veil

Dragapult, Item-Life Orb
Evs-252 Atk/4 Sp. Def/252 Speed
-Dragon Darts
-Sucker Punch
-Phantom Force
-Dragon Dance

Rhyperiror, Item-Leftovers(I might need to change it so I don't have two of the same items)
Ability-Solid Rock
Evs-240 HP/28 Atk/240 Def.
-Rock Slide
-Ice Punch

Cinderace, Item-Life Orb(Once again, I might need to change)
Evs-252 Atk/252 Speed/4 Hp
-Pyro Ball
-High Jump Kick
-Sucker Punch

Thanks again if you answer!

format? Battle Spot Singles/Doubles, or a Smogon Format?
I’m planning on doing battle spot doubles but not sure
You should know the format you're going to play before you even begin teambuilding. The sets you're using strike me as far more singles-oriented.
Okay! I guess I'll have to look deeper into this. Once again, I've never done competitive battles, so I have no strategies ;-;
I might do single battles

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