I'll give this a shot. Please note I am still inexperienced at rating teams.
Looks good to me.
Why Naive? Use Jolly to increase Speed.
I'm still not sure why you're going for minimum Speed on Ditto. I'll change this once you respond to that.
Seems solid in my eyes.
I would suggest replacing Hidden Power [Fire] with Psyshock, as you have other teammates to deal with Xerneas' Steel weakness. Thunderbolt is more reliable than Thunder, consider using that.
Why 4 Special Attack EVs when you have no Special Attacks? Invest in something else. It doesn't matter what, Smeargle will likely hit its Sash no matter how many EVs you put into HP and defenses.
Overall, I like this team. I'm still a bit confused on the Ditto, however. Hope I helped!