Pokémon Rate My Team
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This is my singels team for battle tower in Pokémon Shield. I am quite new to competitive so i may do something weird in the team.

Zeraora@Life orb
Abillity:Volt absorb
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk, 4 Sp.def, 252 Speed
-Plasma fists
-Knock off
-Play rough
-Fake out

Abillity: Storm Drain
Nature: Sassy
EVs: 252 hp, 252 Def, 4 sp.def

Gardevoir@Twisted spoon
EVs: 252 Sp.atk, 4 Sp.def, 252 Speed.
Abillity: Syncronize
Nature: Bold
-Will-o-wisp/Mystical fire
-Calm mind

Strategy: First i sweep with Zeraora. If there comes out a ground type i switch into Gastrodon or Gardevoir.

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Could you add the missing natures and ability to the post?

2 Answers

0 votes

Battle tower isn't really that hard, you can get to master ball tier with the rental teams the old man provides, but I'll see what I can do.

I don't think Zerora does quite enough damage and thus would honestly change fake out into bulk up. You won't be switching in between zerora and another pokemon that often if you want to sweep really well.

Gardevoir is relatively good, however since you already have a countermeasure for ground types, I'd actually repurpose it into a dual screens lead.

Gardevoir @ Light Clay
Ability: Synchronize(if you can get an ability capusle you'll want trace)
EVs: 252 HP/252 SpA/4 Spe
-Light Screen

Gastrodon is good, however I'd actually use earth power over earthquake.

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Zeraora doesnt get Swords Dance :P
i think this is the most confused i've ever been in my life
please explain how celebi gets swords dance but zerora doesn't
or freaking tangrowth
and hatterene
or venasuar
or roserade
or tentacruel
or vileplume
Edited it to bulk up btw
Please no one flag me for having the question "why does zerora not get swords dance" in the rmt section.
Lol Celebi be dancing with swords while Zeraora is stuck lifting weights.
0 votes

Well it’s pretty good but there is a problem if your trying to survive longer I would get rid of life orb on zerorara also I would replace the life orb with the magnet item because it would raise electric atacks.

life orb boosts damage more than magnet and also Zeraora is frail anyways