Orbeetle (Lead) @ Focus Sash
Nature: Modest
Ability: Swarm
EVs: 252 SpA/4 SpD/252 Spe
-Sticky Web
-Bug Buzz
-Giga Drain
So the idea behind this is that I lead with it, and use Sticky Web. Then everyone expects me to start using Light Screen and Reflect, right? Nope, this is a FULL ON ATTACKER. It's pretty fast and decently powerful. Swarm boosted Bug Buzz (after using Focus Sash) is awesome. (If you couldn't tell, Orbeetle is my favorite Pokémon on the team.)
Malamar @ Assault Vest
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 124 HP/252 At/12 Def/120 SpD
-Knock Off
-Rock Slide
Malamar is pretty slow, so I decided to make it bulky. There's an Assault Vest and more EVs in SpD because Malamar gets the defense boost from Superpower. The rest of the moves are coverage. I didn't add Psychic STAB because there were other types I needed to cover with Liquidation/Rock Slide.
Mew @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP/96 Def/32 SpA/128 SpD
-Calm Mind
-Iron Defense
-Stored Power
-Dazzling Gleam
I put this Mew on the Mew Moveset thread. It's a Stored Power sweeper, pretty simple. Dazzling Gleam is for Dark types.
Rapidash-Galar @ Iapapa Berry
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Pastel Veil
EVs: 252 At/4 SpD/252 Spe
-Swords Dance
-High Horsepower
-Zen Headbutt
-Play Rough
Again, pretty simple. Has a Iapapa Berry instead of Morning Sun, in exchange for some more coverage in High Horsepower.
Slowbro @ Leftovers
Nature: Calm
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP/100 Def/28 SpA/128 SpD
-Calm Mind
-Slack Off
-Thunder Wave/Psychic
Not sure on it's last move. But other than that, it's a mixed wall.
Alakazam @ Life Orb
Nature: Timid
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA/4 SpD/252 Spe
-Nasty Plot
-Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball/Dazzling Gleam
Still deciding on it's last move too, but leaning towards Dazzling Gleam. Standard Alakazam.
Thank you for reading all this, any feedback would be appreciated.