Pokémon Rate My Team
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OU Ultra Beast Quick Sweep Team (Doubles)

Tank - Clefable
Leftovers | Magic Guard
Ev: Max defense Max Sp. def 4 HP
Follow me
Icy Wind (To lower speed + break disguise or focus sash)
Thunder Wave

Sweeper #1: Blacephalon
Leftovers (so that it could use 3 mind blown)/or life orb with flamethrower.
Beast Boost | Timid
Ev: max speed, Max Sp. attack, 4HP
Mind blown/flamethrower
shadow ball
Psyshock (idk what to put)

Sweeper #2 Pheromosa
Life orb
Beast Boost | Modest
Ev. Max sp attack, Max Speed, 4 HP
Bug Buzz
Focus Blast
U-Turn (If Hp Becomes low, switch into Cresselia for healing)

Healer - Cresselia
Light Clay
Levitate | Bold
EV: Max Sp. Defense, Max Defense, 4 HP
Future sight/moonblast/thunder wave
Light Screen
Lunar Dance

Snow Setter - Alolan Ninetales
Icy Rock
SNow Warning
Ev: 254 sp. def 254 spe 4 HP.
Moon Blast

Sweeper #3 - Sallazle
Choice Scarf/life orb
EV: 254 Spe. 254 Sp. Attack 4 Hp
Nasty Plot
SLudge Wave
Fire Blast

Potential Leads:
Clefable/ninetales + Pheromosa: Start off with those two, and if there is a weather setter on the opposing team, switch in ninetales to set hail and use blizzard. Switch into cresselia and lunar dance when pheromosa's or blacephalon's hp is low.

Clefable + Blacephalon, high damage, follow me strategy.

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What format is this? I know this is doubles, but is it Doubles OU, or just something else entirely? Also if it is doubles OU, you should probably have more mons than 4.
Also why did you give Cresselia Assault Vest that was the worst possible item to give it, all of it's moves are status moves.
Yeah, I forgot it prevents status moves... what do you think I should put as the item then? Leftovers? Lum Berry?
Also I am just playing in the online battles in the switch

1 Answer

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Clefable looks good. About Blacephalon, why using Mind Blown? It hits your allies too. So ensure if you have protect on other Pokemon, then only Mind Blown. Else Flamethrower is a good option, although Heat Wave is better since it hits both foes. Psyshock can be easily replaced with moves such as Substitute or Flamethrower.
Pheromosa looks good to me. And about Cresselia..... try Light Clay if you want Double Screen Support or Leftovers/Lum Berry. If you don't give Light Clay to Cresselia, Alolan Ninetales should have Aurora Veil with Light Clay. Also, why Weather Ball? Replace with Blizzard. The defense EVs are not that much needed. Give it higher Spe EVs so that it can outspeed. Why Belch on Salazzle? It can only be used after you eat a berry. So give it Sludge Wave. Else the team is fine. Hope this helps!

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OK thanks! I'll make the changes!
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