Pokémon Rate My Team
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Remember my previous doubles team that was edited by Possiblysomeone? That was useful, but on showdown, this new team I made has most of the time helped me win. This team is weak to rain teams, but apart from that you have to have a team designed to specifically counter this team if you want to win. I give you...

Metagross @ Choice Band
Ability: Clear Body
Level: 50
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Atk / 216 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Earthquake
- Bullet Punch

Tapu Lele @ Choice Specs
Ability: Psychic Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Moonblast
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast

Dracovish @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Strong Jaw
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fishious Rend
- Outrage
- Ice Fang
- Crunch

Moltres-Galar @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Berserk
Level: 50
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Fiery Wrath
- Hurricane
- Taunt

Amoonguss @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 184 Def / 72 SpD
Calm Nature
- Rage Powder
- Spore
- Protect
- Pollen Puff

Comfey @ Leftovers
Ability: Triage
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Floral Healing
- Draining Kiss
- Helping Hand
- Aromatherapy

Hard and Fast

This team is again, focused on sweeping and making sure it can't be stopped. Dracovish is best paired with Tapu Lele so Dracovish can hit, as it says in the title, hard and fast because of Psychic Surge. Not only that, Tapu Lele is a support sweeper, so these pokemon can KO Gigantamax Coalossal together with Fishious Rend and Thunderbolt. That's right. They can KO GIGANTAMAX COALOSSAL WITHOUT DYNAMAXING! Now that is quite a feat! Metagross and Galarian Moltres are also sweepers that can Dynamax late-game, Amoonguss is for redirection support, and Comfey is for when someone has a strong counter for Amoonguss, such as Ferrothorn. Now this is definitely the best team I've put together. Seriously this time. NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW! (Apart from rain teams)

You should have a plan for activating moltres WP, unless you're using comfey?
As you can see,  you seriously don't need to be worried about Coalossal-Plus, it's ability, steam engine, when paired with a mon faster than your side makes it outspeed you anyways.

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

The previous answer has lots of very good points, epsecially that you need to cover for the metagame and what's popular. Trick Room especially, and really, when you're building a team you should look at the top ten most used Pokemon and make sure you can deal with them.

I just wanted to add that Moltres + Comfey is really strong and counters Metagross because:
+2 164 SpA Moltres-Galar Max Darkness vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Dynamax Metagross: 374-444 (100 - 118.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Moltres/Comfey is a really good core, and Metagross is a great Pokemon in general, but you don't need the weakness policy or Choice Band, or really any attack boosting item. I'd suggest Assault Vest, it will throw a lot of players off guard if they try to OHKO you with opposing Moltres. Also, Ice Punch is great on Metagross, it's super valuable coverage. I'd drop either Zen Headbutt or bullet punch. Bullet punch is more valuable if you're usually using it as a late-game cleaner, but Zen headbutt is more valuable if you're dynamaxing it often.

Now, like the other answer says, we have to prep fo the team's common threats.

For trick room, the easiest way to stop it is counter trick room on Comfey. Aromatherapy isn't necessary since Moltres isn't a Physical attacker so it doesn't even care about burns. It's not foolproof (Your opponent can read into it) but it's something. Taunt is an option but you'll usually see some sort of redirection.

Next, going down the list of the top 10 most popular Pokemon is useul to know what you're likely to see is helpful to me.

  1. Tapu Fini: A HUGE threat to your team. Resists Fishious Rend, takes away Psychic Terrain, Hurts Moltres. You'll want a late game sweeper like Rillaboom or Regieleki to take care of it.

  2. Landorus-T: You have Ice Punch Gross and Vish, but You don't want Metagross vs. Lando unless you're Dynamaxed. Some sort of speed control would be nice to stop Scarved Lando from U-turning out too, or just an Ice Type.

  3. Regieleki: Also hard for your team. I'm personally thinking Mamoswine would be nice to hit Landorus and Eleki.

  4. Metagross: Not a problem because of Moltres, but it really threatens Lele.

  5. Cresselia: Again, you have Moltres.

  6. Urshifu-Single Strike: A late game monster that really threatens your team if your opponent is smart and gets rid of Moltres. A fairy type that outspeeds it (or at least resists it) is crucial.

  7. Glastrier: A big problem. You'll probably want intimidate to lessen its power and also counter-trick room like I mentioned.

  8. Moltres: Adding to the list of Ice-Weak Pokemon you want to have an answer for.

  9. Dragapult: You have Moltres.

  10. Incineroar: Makes Mamoswine look even better.

Looking at the list, your biggest problems are Tapu fini, Regieleki, Urshifu, Glastrier, and kind of intimidate because of Dracovish. I might be biased because I love using Mamoswine, but it's actually super good in this format, being immune to intimidate and able to OHKO both Incineroar and Landorus-T. It also beats regieleki. Jolly max attack and speed is recommended, probably with Life Orb.

Regieleki or tapu Koko are good fits for your team, they both beat Tapu Fini and can have good support with Electroweb, especially with Mamoswine to help it outspeed more threats. Tapu Koko also gives fairy coverage to help against Urshifu, which might give it the edge over Eleki. ( Tapu lele is not great against urshifu because you might lock into Psyshock, and Urshifu is also faster so would probably win a 1v1 anyway with Focus Sash.) You can also volt switch into Moltres for the Weakness Policy.

Finlly, to deal with Glastrier, Incineroar is probably your best bet. It's a great support mon in general and is hardly ever not a good pick.

So I'd say that while Moltres, Comfey, And Metagross are strong, the rest of the team doesn't fit together and/or beat the metagame, and I'd think that Mamoswine, Tapu Koko, and Incineroar could give you a better matchup against what's popular.

We've given you two directions to go, Weakness Policy Moltres or Metagross. Both are good, so pick which one you like best! I hope this helps!

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Alright then. What do you think about this?
Looks  pretty good, but generally you'll want protect on more mons. Koko doesn't need grass knot and Moltres doesn't need taunt and nasty plot. Comfey should usually have trick room to counteract opposing TR teams, you don't really need aromatherapy. Helping hand can also be ally switch/protect if you want. Generally you'll want max HP/Max Attack on metagross too, unless you have tailwind on your team, which you don't. You can consider bullet punch on metagross too.
But I dropped it for Ice Punch for coverage. You said either drop Bullet Punch or Zen Headbutt, and you said keep Zen Headbutt if you are Dynamaxing it often, which I do if none of my other Pokemon can match up to their opponent.
Alright, if you max it often, it's fine.
OK... I have edited my team. I hope it is better than last time!
1 vote

Firstly, I'd like to mention that this team is extremely frail. I enjoy the idea of 'Fast and Hard', but I'm not sure of its viability in this metagame where there are other fast and hard hitters too...

For example, the most used Pokemon as of now is currently Tapu Fini - which you don't have a counter to.

Trick Room mons such as Dusclops or Stakataka can easily TR on you and sweep with ease.

The abundance of Choice items gravely limit your versatility as well - You can use Weakness Policy or Life Orb instead of all choices.

Those are the brief overviews of the team and it's time to get into detail:

Hyper offense is obviously optimal in this series. However, you are seriously weakening yourself to several Meta threats:

What is your counter against DMAX Metagross?
What is your counter against Landorus?
What is your counter against Tapu Fini?

There are a lot of gaps in your team and teams should be built to counter the metagame. There isn't much you can do against a DMAX Metagross but watch it sweep through your entire team with ease, especially after weakness policy being activated.

So the first thing I would recommend is either running a Life Orb Metagross or a Weakness Policy Metagross. (You can use Life orb Moltres if you want).

A small little potential gimmick I can already see happening is DMAXING Metagross and having Moltres use sucker punch onto Metagross to activate weakness policy. However, I have also seen a friend run Entei/Raikou with Bulldoze to activate the Weakness Policy whilst also dropping the opponent's speed which can be crucial for Metagross in order to be a little bit faster.

Otherwise, Life Orb Metagross is good on its own.

If you want to run Dracovish, then I would highly recommend running Tyranitar alongside it due to Dracovish's new ability - Sand Rush.
Sand Rush doubles speed in sandstorm which turns Dracovish into base 150 speed, which can outspeed common threats such as Scarfed Landorus or Pheromosa. You could then use Choice Band instead to maximize damage output. Currently, with Strong Jaw, you are essentially equipping Dracovish with +50% speed and +50% attack. In sandstorm, you are equipping Dracovsih with +100% speed and +50% attack...
It also means less speed investment and more bulk!

Comment if you want me to make a Tyranitar spread.

Because you are already using sand, I suppose Excadrill could fit in here too, but that is completely up to you.

Because of Tyranitar's addition, Lele won't be as optimal due to its lack of bulk, low speed and simply due to its lack of damage output against common Meta threats:
252+ SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Moonblast vs. 236 HP / 236+ SpD Incineroar: 105-124 (52.5 - 62%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

It can't even OHKO Incineroar...

The current assets should be:

Metagross / Galar-Moltres/Bulldoze user / Tyranitar / Dracovish.

Additionally, Dmax T-Tar can 2HKO Metagross.

The team is currently highly physical so I'd suggest Tapu Fini and another special mon here:

Tapu fini can overwrite terrain with Misty Surge and prevent any Will-o-Wisps coming to shut you down. Tapu Fini is also highly bulky which is what this team should want, and can deal a lot of chip damage with muddy water. It can counter Incineroar as it wears it down quickly, and it can also menace Landorus-T. If you think you have a good matchup against the opposing two pokemon, you can DMAX the Fini and overwrite terrain with Max Geyser.

Additionally, Dracovish + Ttar can nearly almost always OHKO Metagross together with Fishious Rend + Max Darkness so be sure to check that out.

Last mon should provide some balance on the team, and you can only find one by testing out different mons. I would suggest a support mon such as Incineroar or an Intimidate Pivot such as Landorus, but it's really up to you for this last spot.

Thanks for the advice! Although I have managed to KO Regieleki with Dracovish even with Focus Sash.