Pokémon Rate My Team
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tank (Blissey) (F) @ Aguav Berry
Ability: Healer
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpA
Lonely Nature
- Aromatherapy
- Dazzling Gleam
- Drain Punch
- Earthquake

spiky (Ferrothorn) @ Aguav Berry
Ability: Anticipation
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Spikes
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock
- Leech Seed

why this sprite (Garchomp) @ Black Glasses
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Crunch
- Outrage
- Dragon Rush

metal hands (Melmetal) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Iron Fist
Gigantamax: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpA
Brave Nature
- Double Iron Bash
- Thunder Wave
- Flash Cannon
- Earthquake

bouncy thunder (Regieleki) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Transistor
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Thunder
- Agility
- Bounce
- Thunder Wave

mom who throw kid (Dragapult) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Baton Pass
- Dragon Dance
- Reflect
- Confuse Ray

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Physical Moves and Lonely Nature for Blissey? It has just 5 base Atk. As its nickname says, it should be a tank, not an attacker. Go with Seismic Toss - Soft Boiled - Toxic - Substitute or the likes.

Choice Specs Melmetal? Along with Thunder wave? I would say 100% no. Choice sets shouldn't have a status move. And it should have a band set. It should have Double Iron Bash - Equake - Thunder Punch / Fire Punch / Ice Punch to make use of ability etc.

Black Glasses and Rocky Helmet Dragapult are bad.
Blissey should have Soft-boiled and a different nature maybe. And don't use choice specs on Melmetal, its attack is way higher than its SpAtk.  Dragapult should have a different item, but its non-attacking moveset and baton pass is very clever.

Also Regieleki does not need Agility, it's already extremely fast.
That's all. My first time rating teams, so if what I'm saying is nonsense, tell me.

1 Answer

2 votes


...no. Blissey only has base 10 Attack and base 75 Special Attack. Healer also only works in Doubles so Natural Cure is the better ability. Soft-Boiled is mandatory on Blissey. You should either be using the standard set that counters Kyogre, or the Heavy-Duty Boots one.

Blissey @ Utility Umbrella
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature

  • Soft-Boiled
  • Teleport / Confide
  • Seismic Toss / Toxic
  • Aromatherapy / Seismic Toss


Iron Barbs is a much better ability because it can punish contact moves, and Ferrothorn loves wearing things down. Ferrothorn should be using Leftovers since Aguav Berry isn't a good item, and it should use a Specially Defensive spread instead to better handle non Block+Sheer Cold Kyogre. Having Ferrothorn on your team makes it a little passive, so why not Eternatus? I'm keeping Blissey because it can switch into both Kyogre and Eternatus.

Eternatus @ Black Sludge
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature

  • Dynamax Cannon
  • Flamethrower
  • Recover
  • Toxic


Why do you have 3 Dragon moves yet no STAB Earthquake, and why are you using Black Glasses. A better set would be Earthquake - Scale Shot - Stone Edge - Swords Dance / Stealth Rock with Life Orb as the item, but let's not act like Garchomp is even remotely viable in Anything Goes. Zygarde is better on this team, which looks like Balance or so far. Or, you could use Swords Dance Groudon, one of the best Dynamaxers in Anything Goes.

Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Power Construct
EVs: 252 HP / 208 Def / 48 SpD
Impish Nature

  • Thousand Arrows
  • Rest
  • Glare
  • Coil

Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Power Construct
EVs: 16 HP / 224 Atk / 36 Def / 232 Spe
Impish Nature

  • Thousand Arrows
  • Dragon Dance
  • Substitute
  • Dragon Tail

Groudon @ Life Orb
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

  • Precipice Blades
  • Stone Edge
  • Aerial Ace
  • Swords Dance


Why are you using Choice Specs on a Pokemon with Thunder Wave, 2 Physical moves, and only 1 Special move, which also is the same type as one of your physical moves? Choice Band, Leftovers, or Assault Vest are preferred with a different EV spread than yours and an Adamant nature on Choice Band and Leftovers sets and Careful on Assault Vest builds. However, Melmetal is not good in AG, as there is 0 reason to use it over Zacian-Crowned and Necrozma-Dusk Mane.

Zacian-Crowned @ Rusted Sword
Ability: Intrepid Sword
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe (Jolly) or 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def (Adamant)
Jolly/Adamant Nature

  • Behemoth Blade
  • Close Combat
  • Wild Charge
  • Swords Dance / Play Rough

Necrozma-Dusk Mane @ Leftovers / Rocky Helmet / Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature

  • Sunsteel Strike
  • Stealth Rock / Knock Off
  • Morning Sun / Moonlight
  • Thunder Wave / Toxic

Necrozma-Dusk Mane @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe
Adamant Nature

  • Sunsteel Strike
  • Dragon Dance
  • Stone Edge
  • Earthquake / Psychic Fangs


That set is...very suboptimal. Regieleki is the fastest Pokemon and outspeeds Choice Scarfers from Ubers's overcrowded Base 90 Speed tier, as well as some base 95s and base 100s. There is absolutely no reason for Agility to be here. On a Pokemon that does so much damage and is walled by Ground types, Thunder Wave is also pointless. Regieleki's main selling point in Anything Goes stems from its Dual Screens set, but this team can't use them effectively. You should probably just use an offensive Pokemon like Kyogre or Calyrex-Ghost instead. You can find Kyogre's Specs/Scarf set here, and Calyrex-Ghost's Specs set here. I'll be posting some Kyogre sets not mentioned on the Smogon page here.

Kyogre @ Leftovers
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature

  • Scald
  • Block
  • Rest
  • Calm Mind

Kyogre @ Leftovers
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature

  • Scald
  • Sheer Cold
  • Rest
  • Sleep Talk


Why are you putting Rocky Helmet on a Pokemon that struggles to take hits? That set also isn't good, just like Dragapult itself. If you chose Kyogre for the 5th slot, use Calyrex-Ghost in the 6th slot. Either that, or use a defensive Pokemon like Ho-oh (set can be found here) or Specially Defensive Yveltal (here for the SpD Yveltal set).

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I'm sorry the ending feels so rushed, I'm pretty sure I was almost at the character limit.