Pokémon Rate My Team
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Yeah I'm kind of done with this, let's go straight to the point, shall we?

OOGA-BOOGA (Gourgeist-Super) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Foul Play
- Will-O-Wisp
- Leech Seed
- Synthesis

I honestly don't know why this thing is here, or how it has been really useful all this time, but honestly I stopped thinking about Pokémon's battle mechanics a long time ago.
My team has 3 mons weak to fighting, and it's also quite easly 5-0'd by Urshifu (if something can deal with Kartana first of course), and I didn't like Hippowdon being my only physical wall so the big pumpkin can help on that too I guess.
Will-O-Wisp punishes physical switch-ins and bulky physical set ups while also helping to chip down Steel and Poison types, while Foul Play works fine as a Band and fast setup punisher, making Gourgeist fairly effective at dealing with physical walls (considering its tremendous natural physical bulk). Leech Seed pressures any kind of switch-in and walls, while also supporting teammates with free recovery if the opposing Pokémon decides to stay in. Synthesis is there for the times when Leech Seed is simply not enough; it'd be much better if it was something like Sap Sipper or Recover, but it works somewhat fine for now.
As an extra bonus, Frisk greatly support my team by revealing opposing mons' items, thus revealing their sets.
Gourgeist particularly appreciates Snorlax's ability to eat Ice, Ghost and Fire moves while also taking care of Special sweepers in general.

good ol' pink blob (Blissey) (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Seismic Toss
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave
- Teleport

The absolute best special wall in the entire history of Pokémon (paired with its pre-evolution, Chansey). Seismic Toss hits stuff like Heatran and prevents it from being absolutely useless after a Taunt. Soft-Boiled has an obvious place in there for a reason. Thunder Wave helps the team deal with faster special sweepers and pressures Pokémons that are somehow immune to Toxic and Wisp with a 25% chance of full paralysis. Teleport is for Pivoting; this is amazing when there's no safe switch ins for Lele or Kartana, helping the team incredibly.
Blissey is very thankful to Gourgeist for being able to absorb fighting types, and Hippowdon for being able to take physical hits better overall. Kartana and Tapu Lele can help getting rid of physical sweepers too.

Hipo (Hippowdon) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Slack Off
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic

This hippo taught me the importance of passive damage. Toxic + Sandstorm will destroy anything that isn't Steel, and Poisons, altough they can't be poisoned, will have to deal with Ooga's burns and Leech Seed instead of Toxic. On top of that, Stealth Rock will punish Pokémons trying to flee leech seed or sweepers that can't get through this big lad. The Chip damage is further increased by Kartana removing everything's Leftovers and Heavy-Duty Boots.
As an extra, it walls Specs Modest Regieleki's Swift and Rising Voltage under Electric Surge.
It really appreciates OOGA-BOOGA's ability to wall every Urshifu-Rapid-Strike set known to humanity, and Snorlax's and Blissey's natural special bulk. Kartana also helps it by removing Leftovers and HDBs, while also taking care of Pokemons immune to Sandstorm, Toxic, and stuff like Blissey and Clefable. Tapu Lele also helps removing these kind of Pokémons.

ChadLax (Snorlax) @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat Shiny: Yes
EVs: 240 HP / 16 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Curse
- Body Slam
- Darkest Lariat
- Rest

I have a Specs sweeper and a fast aggresive setup, so Snorlax works as a bulky setup mon instead. Thanks to its enormous special bulk, it's one of (if not already) the best Curse users in the game. Curse increases its decent attack and terrible defense to acceptable levels, just high enough to sweep. Body Slam, even if it's not as strong as Return, is still a safer choice than Double-Edge, and it can spread paralysis through the opposing team. Darkest Lariat, even if it doesn't provide as much coverage and power as Earthquake or Fire Punch / Heat Crash, it still has has the incredible ability of letting Snorlax cut through opposing set-ups and hitting Ghost types hard. Rest is incredibly passive for today's standarts and a full cycle of rest heals less than 3 tuns of using Recover, but it still can get Snorlax from 1% to 100% in just one turn, while also removing statuses that can cripple Snorlax; however, Rest relies incredibly on Leftovers to be effective, so Knock Off users should be removed from the field before allowing Snorlax to set up.
Snorlax also works as a consistent aswer against Trick Room teams, and its typing and ability allows it to wall a lot of mons who simply don't have the moves to deal specificaly with Snorlax, such as Heatran, Marowak-A, Blacephaloon or Volcarona.
It greatly appreciates Hippodown's bulk to deal with most physical sweepers and Gourgeist's bulk and typing to deal with fighting types, namely Urshifu. Kartana is of great help too, removing hard-physical walls from the game while also Knocking Off items that can take down Snorlax such as Life Orbs, Leftovers, Heavy-Duty Boots, Choice Bands/Specs, and more. Tapu Lele deals with Physical walls who have low special bulk such as Buzzwole, Tangrowth, Hippowdon, Skarmory, Avalugg (?) and Toxapex.

Lulú (Tapu Lele) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Moonblast
- Focus Blast
- Psyshock

With the right prediction and enough chip, there's absolutely nothing that walls this thing. Blissey? Eat this Psyshock. Dark types? Eat this Moonblast. Steel types (and Dark types who take neutral from fairy)? Eat this Focus Blast!.
Revenge killing this this is really hard unless you run Sash, since priority is blocked by Pychic Surge and Scarfers often lack power; and even then, Scarfers that can KO it will just get infinitely walled by either Blissey, Snorlax, Hippowdon or Gourgeist.

Paper Cut (Kartana) @ Life Orb
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Sacred Sword
- Knock Off

Do I need to say anything about this absolute beast? Late-game becomes its time to shine, since most opposing faster mons (or scarfers) will be probably dead by that point, or in a slightly worse scenario they have either been paralyzed by Blissey or switched into Kartana's Knock Off, losing their Scarfs. It destroys most sweepers after unboosted, and mixed walls like Toxapex, Ferrothorn and Clefable get obliterated after 1 boost. The only walls that can threaten it are Mandibuzz, Tangrowth and Buzzwole, but they don't want to switch to Knock Off, since even tough it deals littel damage they'd still be losing a valuable item. Also, they can be easy to wear down with Hippowdon's Stealth Rock + Toxic + Sand (which Kartana is immune to).
It also beats hard stall (unless Ditto).
It greatly appreciates Snorlax and Blissey since they can absorb any kind of special attack aimed for it.

I should probably get a spinner or a defoger...

edited by
Gourgeist is outclassed by Zapdos as a physical wall since it doesn't lose hard to Kartana, and is also a Defogger. Your team lacks one, so you can use it. Zapdos  can also pretty much take down Urshifu-RS too. About Snorlax, it sounds very gimmicky. It needs Earthquake so it doesn't become Taunt Heatran food, and if it does it can't touch Corviknight. So, Snorlax should be replaced with something that can check Heatran reliably, eg. Slowking. Also, Regieleki is very rare. If you need a better ground-type, go with Landorus-T instead of Hippowdown.

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